Chapter 1- Welcome to Juniper, Texas

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Bailey Anderson

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Bailey Anderson

I walk into school and head straight into my locker. I put my books away and grabs the books I need for class. Two hands fall on my shoulders I jump and put my hand to my chest. 

I gasp and put my hand to my chest.  I say in relief as I see my friend Jonny next to me smiling from ear to ear. 

"Bailey! Why you so late? I have been waiting for you! What took you so long!?" Jonnie says as he grabs my bag. I shut my locker and take my bag from him. 

"I had to help my mom with the community center late last night so I overslept." I explain.

"Dude you should tell me when you need help with center! I could have stopped by!" He says annoyed.  I never crossed my mind to ask him for help, but thats the type of guy I am. I usually just do everything my myself. 

Jonnie Mark

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Jonnie Mark

Jonnie has been my friend since elementary school. He was the obnoxious kid that was the favorite because he would stick toys up his nose and I was the kid who would quietly play with blocks in the corner and if the teacher came to talk to me I would cry because I thought I was in trouble. 

The teacher tried to get me to talk but I wouldn't, which means that I was a target for bullies. In fifth grade Jonnie Mark protected me and stayed by my side ever since. He talked to me all the time but I would never respond. I would just listen to him.  He was an odd guy and very interesting to listen to. He would tell the strangest stories. 

I finally talked to him in 6th grade. I remember how Jonny responded when he first heard my voice. I asked him if he wanted to play with me randomly in class. His eyes widened and a huge smile grow on his face. 

He hasn't left my side even now as seniors in high school. I talk more since I am older but a normal student would still say I don't talk much. I had to adjust when I got into grades where I had to do group assignments and presentations.

Jonnie explained to me that I need to communicate not just so that people won't misunderstand me but for safety reasons. Like in gym in middle school I hurt my ankle and I didn't tell the gym teacher anything because I didn't want to interrupt him or bug him. I ended up fracturing my ankle because I didn't receive medical attention.

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