Chapter 2: 1996

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John was a regular size black haired teen he was 17.but looked like he was 21.john was your normal teen....until now.him and his band of friends we'r going on a summer vacation.their we'r 5 of them 6 if you count John and his friends got in the van and drove away they saw a lot of wiled girl Kristen.Kristy her friends called her.she loved it she was one of those."I'm one with Mother Nature"type of people."look it's a fox!"she said.she liked to point things out.the guys didn't mind but she got tired half way to crystal lake."ok everybody we'r hear."said mark...mark was a tall blond haired man with a ac dc shirt.that was his favorite band."I'm gonna get sooooo toked.." Jeff said.Jeff was a small red haired guy.he usually spent most of his time getting high."guys have you heard the story behind this place..."roy said.roy was taller the John but shorter then mark.roy was also a skinny black haired 17 year old."some kid named Jason he was like deformed of something..he drowned in this lake and after that he's mom went batshit crazy and killed all these counselors....then when the police came to check on the camp.....they found her decapitated!....some say her kid Jason still hunts the camp."Did I mention-that he was gullible."roy I told you that just yesterday it was a just something to scare you.."Mark said as he got the marshmallows and the grill."Hay did you guys bring the good food?"Jessica asked.jessica was a small blond.kinda gullible 16 year old."Uhh.....about that.."roy said."I forgot so.......yeah."she let out a grown and stared walking on the side of the road."What the hell are you doing?!!!"Mark asked.."I'm going back home to get my phone....dammit."Jessica exclaimed."rain is coming so she will be back...."Kristen said.they all walked to a cabin.when they all got their they put their bags and stuff on one bed.Jeff laid down and tried to go to sleep."Hay Jeff you coming or what??"Mark asked."I think I'll stay.."Jeff said Jeff's plan was to get High and just chill or something."ok John you coming?"John nodded and was first outside."roy yes or now."Mark asked."Uhh Yeah I'll go."roy went outside and Mark did to.Jeff got out a spliff and stared to smoke away."ok guys so..let's fish and get some.."real food.." to Jessica.."they got out their gear and started fishing.but just in case it did rain they put on yellow rain jackets.

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