Chapter One

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You Never Notice when you love someone so much that it hurts, Suddenly the world seems lost or maybe it's just me. Every moment I encounter with him. It's just an painful reminder of what I lost but also gain. My name is Dean Winchester, His Name was Castiel Novak. This is our story.



20 years earlier...

Dean Winchester would be your typical bad boy and the type that would make other moms tell their daughter not to date him or even say/do a simple nod or hello. Dean Winchester is a 17 year old Junior High School Student. His grades would be F's as in failing every subject. He has a beautiful girlfriend named Lisa. His group of friends were His brother Sam Winchester, Crowley, Lucifer and of course Gadreel. They would always be together and smoke together. They would beat up students and take their money or their personal items.

On This Beautiful Monday Morning day, Dean and Lisa and their crew as many other students would call it decide to pick on this kid name Alfie. "Yo Give us your money" said Crowley. "No Way Man" said Alfie. Crowley grab the kid by his collar and lift him and said, "Maybe I should make myself clear. Give us your money or you will get the beating of a lifetime" Alfie didn't give into their threat and said, "Screw You Crowley I ain't giving you nothing" Crowley gave a small smirk and he slam Alfie against the locker room door and he swung his right hand to hit Alfie's eye. Lucifer joined in and he swung his left hand to punch Alfie's on his side. Alfie fell on the ground and curl into a ball. The Two boys took turn beating Alfie up until Alfie gave in and hand them the money while Sam who walk in late to school due to trying to find his homework for math class saw Alfie on the ground and he took him to the nurse with Gadreel by his side.

Dean Winchester and Lisa held in their laughter and Dean said, "Darling, I will see you later I have to get my jacket out of my locker" Lisa nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek and walk away to her class. Dean walk in the hallway and was at his locker getting his jacket and his school notebook. He gag at the thought of sitting in a boring classroom listening to the teacher go on and on about the same things he learn in Middle School.

He sigh and he overheard a teacher talk to some older kid. "Do you think by him being in Public School that he will make friends?" asked the Teacher. "My brother is special Mr.Green. He's very smart and He prefers to go to a public school than homeschool" said the Older man. "Mr.Novak does he have something else that I should be aware of?" asked The Teacher. Dean was close to hearing what this new student have until the Principal said, "Mr.Winchester Your late for class and it's 15 mins since the bell rang" Dean smirk at the Principal and said, "Save it sweet cheeks I'm going" Dean walk into Science class and the teacher turn to him and said, "Nice to see you joining us Mr.Winchester" Dean sat down at the front row and said, "Of Course I would join you considering that your shirt is a see through I'm sure the males in this shirt would be paying extra attention to you" He earn some "oooo's" from his classmate. Ms.Johnson was about to say something to him until the student walks into the classroom wearing a pikachu hat, a button white shirt, some black pants and black shoes and a trench coat. Dean in his mind said, "he looks like a baby in a trenchcoat"

"Oh!" Said Ms.Johnson. "Class please welcome our new Student. What's your name young man?" The Blue eyed Student said, "My Name is Castiel Novak" Dean couldn't help but look at his features mainly those blue eyes of his. Dean felt himself going red. "Oh there you can sit next to Mr.Winchester, Mr.Winchester please don't pull any of your pranks" Dean smirk and made a gasp and said, "Why Teach I would never" Castiel gave a small smile and laugh and sat down next to Dean. He open his notebook and began to write notes. Dean not paying attention to the lesson as always, pay more attention to the new student and began to wonder if this the student that Dean overheard earlier. Dean though in his head "He looks so innocent and smart. He looks beautiful" Dean shook his head when he heard his name called and Ms.Johnson said, "Mr.Winchester Would you stop goggly eyeing at the new student long enough to answer the question" Dean gasp and turn red and said, "What question?" Ms.Johnson sighed and said, "Mr.Novak would you mind reminding him the question?" Castiel nodded and said, "She ask What do Plants take in and give out" Dean shrug his shoulders. "Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and give out Oxygen" said Castiel. Ms.Johnson smiled and said, "Correct Mr.Novak"

Dean felt anger by how the new student manage to outsmart him. He decided to teach this new kid a lesson and one that he will never forget and have him wishing he would have stuck with homeschooling. In Dean's mind it said, "Why hurt him? Befriend him instead and add him to your group" Dean calm down and smirk at the idea. Perfect he thought.

->Time Skip to Lunch Time <-

Castiel was at his locker getting his salad and a drink from his bag and sat at a table. He was unaware that the table he was sitting on belong to Crowley and his so called crew of misfits. "Move Nerd" said Crowley. "No Crowley, This kid is new here lets make him feel welcome" said Dean. "I can move to another table Dean It's fine" answer Castiel. "No I much rather you sit here with us" said Dean with a smile. Hearing that Dean and his crew allow Castiel to sit at their table made the other kids stare at him almost to admire him while some gave him the death glare. "O-O-Okay" Castiel said with a small shutter. Crowley, Sam, Lucifer, Gadreel, Crowley and Lisa sat down with him. They all began to talk to him until the Principal walk into the lunchroom and said, "Mr.Winchester I heard about your remarks during Science class today" Dean roll his eyes and said, "and?" Principal Denzel said, "Looking at your history and grades you have a good chance to graduate that I have place you to tutor someone and I also place you as the lead in the school play" Dean looks at him and said, "are you crazy!?" Mr.Denzel looks at him "I suggest you lose the attitude and starting today you will be tutoring and starting the drama class. So whatever you plan after school is off limits"

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