Chapter Five

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Castiel was finally home and he was met with Michael. "What did I tell you about that boy?" asked Michael. "Michael Calm down, Dean isn't a bad guy" Gabriel said. "Michael, Gabriel spoken to him" answer Castiel. Michael frown and said, "Does He know?" Castiel looks down and nodded no. "No he doesn't" He said. "Castiel You gotta tell him sooner than later" Castiel broke down in tears and said, "Please Michael I'll tell him" Michael hug his little brother and said, "I love you I just don't you two to end up with broken hearts" Castiel nodded while he look at Michael, "Michael, Dean and I were talking about our future" Gabriel look at Castiel and ask, "Did you tell about what was on your list?" Castiel stood quiet for a few minutes and said, "Yes" Gabriel and Michael both smile and said, "If he propose we will approve it" Castiel shouted with cheer and hug his brothers.

Dean called Castiel and ask him for another date. Castiel agree. Later after Dinner, Mary said, "Meeting That Novak guy again?" Dean nodded and said, "Yeah" Mary smile at her son and said, "I hope I can meet him soon before the big day" Dean blush and laughs and said, "I'm sure it will be soon. Later Mom" Mary shouted goodbye but Dean was already out the door and driving down the street to see Castiel. Dean couldn't wait to see Castiel again. He saw Castiel outside his home and He park over the side of the sidewalk and Castiel got in and together they got back on the road.

Dean turn on the radio and there was a song that had a catchy tune. Dean began to sing along with it by singing the first Verse,

"When tomorrow comes
I'll be on my own
Feeling frightened of
The things that I don't know
When tomorrow comes Tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes" 

Castiel smile and sang with him on the second verse, "And though the road is long
I look up to the sky
And in the dark I found, lost hope that I won't fly
And I sing along, I sing along, and I sing along"

They both sang the song until the end. When Dean park at the pier again, the sun was setting again. Dean felt his jacket for the small box. He was happy when he felt the small box. "So what was so important that you sounded so excited on the phone" said Castiel. Dean got down on one knee and pull out the small box. "Castiel Novak" said Dean. Castiel began to tear again while Dean said, "Will You Marry Me?" Castiel looks at Dean when he places the ring on his finger and he said, "Yes" Dean was so happy and Castiel kiss him and hug him. Dean kisses him and hug back. Castiel decided this has to the time to tell him. Dean could sense something was wrong. "What's Wrong?" asked Dean. Castiel pull away from Dean and said, "If I tell you a secret can you promise me that you wouldn't run away" Dean said, "Yeah You Know I wouldn't go anywhere without you" Castiel smile through his tears and said, "I love you Dean Winchester" Dean wipe Castiel's tears away and said, "I love you Mr.Castiel Winchester" Castiel blush.

Dean and Castiel left the pier and decided to go to a restaurant. They order some seafood. Castiel and Dean kept talking about the futures and everything. Dean paid for the meal. They left the restaurant to take a short walk before Dean took him home. Castiel stop about 4 blocks and said, "Dean I have something to confess to you" Dean looks at Castiel as he step in front of him. "Dean I'm Sick" Castiel said. "Well if your sick I can take you over to my house and I can give you some soup" Castiel nodded a no with his head and said, "Not that type of Sick" Castiel began to cry and this time the tears don't stop as he began to speak again, "Dean I have problems with my heart and time is running out for me. I can't find a donor to give me a new heart " Dean let go of Castiel's hand and felt his tears about to let go and said, "Why didn't you tell me?" Castiel looks at Dean with the tears in his eyes said, "I didn't expect for all of this to happened. I was focus on School and school only. Then you appear in my life. I have no reason to hate anyone" Dean felt angry and said, "How Long?" Castiel looks at him and said, "2 months" Dean shutter "T-T-Two Months?" he said. Castiel nodded. "God Cas, Why didn't you tell me when we first met I would have help you" Dean said. "Everyone tells me that but it's hard to find a donor when they are at my stage. Just Please Leave me alone" Castiel said and He took off running straight for home. Dean shouted Wait but then Castiel was far away. Dean got back in his car, broken, confused, and soon tears came out of his tears. He replay all the memories and moments.

He had no idea what to do instead he ended up going to his Dad's house. He park the car and he walk up to the house and knock on the door. "Dad open up" He said. John heard the door knocking and he got up and open the door and said, "Dean?" Dean looks at his father with tears in his eyes and said, "Cas is dying can you help me or not?" John looks at his son and said, "I can try if you can tell me what it is" Dean said again, "Cas can't find a donor, Please can you help me find one?" John looks at the time and said, "Dean it's almost 3am it's impossible to find one at this hour" Dean got impatient and left his dad's house and headed straight for home.

John saw how desperate his son was in saving his one and true love. He decided to visit the doctor as soon as the sun woke up, All he wanted was for Dean to be happy. He hoped he was a good match for him.

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