Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day for once in the town of Salem in Nevada. This year it seemed it only wanted to rain. Rain and rain and rain and rain. Nonstop raining. It was beginning to annoy most of those who inhabited the small town, especially for a Twenty-year-old girl whom had electric blue eyes and her long hair was an unusual blonde. It was like she had many shades of blonde in her hair that was both unnatural and beautiful. The girl's name is Skylar Fowler.

Skylar hated being stuck indoors. She was a girl who enjoyed nature and she worked for a rancher as a horse trainer, though sense the trainer didn't have an indoor area for the horses, she had to do 'busy work'. When the area that is used for training is wet, it's not good to ride them in the mud. It could cause more harm than good. Yes, she will walk them in the mud, but not ride them. Today, however, was her day off. For once a day without rain for her day off.
Skylar put on a tank top, pants, and she grabbed her wallet and phone and stuck them in her pants pockets and she grabbed her boots from the door and had to put them on the way out as they were so caked in mud, it was hard to tell where the mud ended, and the boots began. Skylar walked through to the small barn in her back yard that housed a black and white mare that she owned.

Skylar entered the barn and she brushed down the mare and put the saddle blanket, then the saddle, and then the bridle onto the mare.
"Alright Oreo, let's go for a trail ride, hopefully the trail won't be too bad" Skylar said as she took the reins and lead the horse out of the barn and she shut the door.

Skylar and Oreo spent most of the day along the trail in the forest near her house, however when she heard a thundering crash and a yell, she squeezed Oreo's sides with her legs as she lifted the reins slightly and Oreo began galloping in the direction of the noise, however the horse had pretty much stopped on a dime at the sight in the clearing. There were about eight large robotic creatures fighting each other. The two tallest robots intrigued her. The one was all silver with a little bit of purple on his chest, around about where a collarbone should be, and he had red eyes. The second was red and blue with a little bit of silver and his eyes were a very bright blue. She felt entranced by his optics. Pain was hidden in them, and something more.

Skylar nudged the reins towards her with her pinky's and she squeezed Oreo's sides again with her legs and the horse backed up and she had the horse turn and they got out of the way, barely dodging a cannon blast. Skylar grabbed her 30.06 rifle out of its holster that was attached to the saddle and she wrapped the reins around the saddle horn and used her legs to guide her horse and she fired at the eye of one of the bots that have red eyes. 

She just knew that the red eyed bots were bad, and the purple bot was shot in the eye by her, howled in pain and turned and fired at her and she managed to dodge it and the red and blue bot killed the purple bot.

As the bots continued their fighting, Skylar kept assisting the best she could while her horse obeyed nearly every command of Skylar. People say animals don't understand English, but they're only partially right. They don't understand at first, but the same could be said about babies. Babies need to be taught and so do animas.
"Left, left, left!" she hissed at the mare and nudged her with the heel of her foot and with each nudge and word, the mare took one step to the left. Skylar fired at the wires on the neck of one of the purple bots and it let out an unholy shriek as the bullet tore through the cables and a blue liquid shot out of the line of sort.

"Retreat!" the silver robot yelled and flew off while one or two of the living bots flew off with him and the other bots turned to Skylar whom just gave a cheeky smile and waved to the bots. She wasn't sure why, but she wasn't afraid of them.
"What you did, young femme, was very foolish thing to do, you could have been harmed" The red and blue robot said, and Skylar shrugged.
"you looked like you needed an assist. Besides, I knew you guys were the good guys" Skylar said as she put the rifle back in its holster and she untied the reins" whatever you are" she added as an after thought
"My name is Optimus Prime, and we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. We are fighting a war. A war that I can explain better if you will come to our base with us." Optimus Prime said, and Skylar nodded a bit
"Alrighty," she said, and she had Oreo turn when she heard a strange noise behind her and she saw a glowing portal of some sort and she followed the blue female looking bot and the yellow and black bot through the portal and she was amazed at the large base they entered.

Skylar let out a gasp in surprise when Oreo bucked when a loud ear-piercing screech echoed in the base and Skylar fell off as she was caught off guard. She grunted as she got up and had to chase Oreo
"Oreo! Oreo, it's okay girl!" Skylar exclaimed as she grabbed the reins and placed her hand on the horse's nose and the horse snorted and whinnied and stomped her hoof.
"Miko! Stop that!" the orange and white bot snapped at the girl who had a guitar in her hands
"Awe, but Ratchet!" Miko whined, not really noticing what had happened with the horse and the new girl
"Miko, your guitar had startled the horse, which had thrown our new human ally" Optimus said to Miko in a slight scolding tone.
"My name is Skylar, and this is my horse, Oreo" Skylar said as she stroked the now calm animal and she winced a bit as her back hurt from the fall but it's not the first fall she had taken. She was usually good at staying in the saddle when the animals buck.

"Optimus, who is going to be her guardian?" Arcee asked, placing her hands on her hips as she glanced at Skylar. She was quite annoyed that there was another human.
However, before Optimus could answer, a loud alarm started going off and after a minute or two, the rather heavy black agent came down the elevator
"PRIME!" the agent yelled, "I got a report of you bots fighting near a very, very popular horse ranch! Someone could have seen you bots, you need to try better to avoid popular places" the agent ranted. Skylar knew who he was immediately.
"Agent Fowler, we weren't that close to the ranch, and a human did come into our custody but that is because she decided to...assist" Optimus said to the agent
"Assist? Assist how? Where is she?" the agent asked
"Right here Uncle Fowler!" Skylar called with a grin and everyone looked at her with shock "And yeah, I shot one of the Con's in the face" She said as she hopped up on Oreo and she grinned at her uncle whom face-palmed.
"Skylar...why you of all people had to get involved?" Fowler groaned and he looked at her and pointed his finger at her "you better do what the bots say and no arguing. I promised your dad that I would protect you" he said in a strict, no arguing, tone
"Don't worry uncle, I'm perfectly Innocent" Skylar said innocently, and she began giggling at Fowler's unamused face.
"Anyway...ill... see what I can do to fix this mess back at my office. And prime, you better keep her safe" Fowler said, looking at Optimus
"I swear on my spark, she will be under my personal protection" Optimus said
"Thank you prime" Fowler said, and he left.

"Fowler is your uncle?!" Miko asked, running over to the railing to look at Skylar, "How are you two related? You look to light to be related!"
"MIKO!" Jack yelled, appalled at Miko's questions "you don't just ask people that!"
"I was adopted as a baby by my father, Matthew Fowler." Skylar said, and she turned to Optimus "you don't have to be my guardian, I'm sure nothing will happen. I'm nothing important to the Con's"
"Well, the cons were highly likely to come after you because you killed a few of their own and if they found out about your relation to Fowler, then there is even more of a chance that they would attack you." Optimus said, Kneeling to Skylar and the horse's height. He knew she felt like she was being a bother, as it had happened before. "and don't think you are any bother to us. Trust me when I say you aren't"
Skylar nodded a bit "But you're the leader and they need you more than I would need protection" she tried to argue but Optimus just gave her a 'don't argue' look

Later that night, Skylar, riding on Oreo, walked through the portal, with Optimus behind her and she had Oreo walk to the barn where she put her stuff away and she went inside, and she let out a shriek when she saw a man that was about six-foot-five and had hair that was so dark blue it was black and he had electric blue eyes
"Optimus?!" she demanded and when he nodded she asked "How?"
"it's a solid, realistic, holographic projection of a human" Optimus answered, "we all have them. Autobots, I mean"
Skylar had to admit she was curious and she tilted her head and she took his hand with hers, surprised that he was in fact solid
"weird" she mumbled, and she smiled at him "you are very interesting, Optimus prime"

Decepticon warship "Nemesis":
Megatron had a frown on his face as his sharp digits tapped the arm rest on his throne as he was lost in thought.
'How dare a human femme take two of my men down' Megatron thought as he sat there 'but I wonder why she wasn't afraid of us' Megatron wondered "Soundwave, find what you can about the femme at the battle over the relic" Megatron said in his native tongue that was known as Cybertronian.
The purple slender mech turned to his leader and nodded and he went back to facing his work desk and he moved over slightly and began using the second computer to try and find out about the femme, running the photo his leader sent him through the commlink though the database and he smirked behind his visor when a file came up.

When soundwave sent him the file, Megatron perked up and he smirked "so Skylar is it..." he chuckled darkly as he read over the file on the datapad in his hands and he smirked 'I will make you mine, you can be of great use to me, little femme' he thought darkly

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