Chapter 10

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Three months passed. Three terribly long months. During that time Sparksong was being taught how to use her abilities, taught about her species she was reborn into, connecting with her guardians, spending time with Optimus, spending time with megatron. Both mech's were excited for the sparkling to be born any time now. Sparksong didnt understand why her sparkling was growing in the rate of a human female pregnancy instead of a cybertronian or Tanah Kebebasan. Which would be four to five orns.

"you know it could be because youre primus' daughter?" Megatron said as he had his hands on her bloated stomach as she sat on Optimus' lap
"maybe. or maybe Father just wants this one to grow faster" Sparksong said with a sigh and she winced slightly as the sparkling kicked Megatron's hand "she is sure your kid, she kicks hard" she said with a sigh and she scooted down so she was pretty much laying on both mech's laps. Then she put her arm over her eyes a bit, worn out from carrying.
"Sorry 'Song" Megatron said with a chuckle and he kept rubbing her sparkling bump gently. "i still cant wait to see her, or him" Megatron didnt fully believe it was a femme though Ratchet confirmed it was.
"Megatron, Ratchet has a reputation of being the best of the best medics on Cybertron. It is a femmeling" Optimus said with amusement as he relaxed with his brother and his femme. He was happy the war had ended, though there was tension, the two leaders were trying to be friends again, and right now, it was easy to do so because the sparkling and Sparksong were the main focus

In the medbay, Ratchet was holfing Firestorm close. he had missed her very much. He still couldn't believe she was here with him. He honestly thought he would never see her again
"Its nice, being home and the war over" She said sweetly and kissed Ratchet's cheek and he chuckled
"Indeed, my beautiful little mate" he murmured and he picked her up and he carrier her to his berthroom, where a bucket of paint fell on them
"SUNSTREAKER!" Firestorm yelled
"SIDESWIPE!" Ratchet yelled at the same time and he grumbled and he carried her into the bathroom and he and her then stripped and got into the shower to wash the paint off while it was still wet

The yellow and red twins chuckled but yelped when their Sire picked them up from a bar between their shoulders. It was like a scruff, it didnt hurt to lift them and sense the two were still younglings, they still had the bar.
"You two have caused enough trouble" Ironhide rumbled as he carried the two to the room they share. Ironhide, Chromia, and the twins shared a room. Hell they shared a berth still as sparklings share a berth with their creators until they are in their final frame and sparkmated.

Soundwave had upgraded the security on the base and the base had also been made bigger and he watched as some of the drones come in with some energon and he smirked behind his visor. he was quite pleased with the energon load this time around. he also was glad the war was over. He turned when he noticed wheeljack glaring at him.
"you better not be plotting anything, fragging con. or i may just mess up that ugly mug of yours" Wheeljack growled and soundwave was silent, the mech never actually spoke and the only ones who knew why, were Sparksong and Megatron.
"Yeah, Jackie can totally mess you up!" Miko said with a grin. She was always on Wheeljack or any bots side. Though she had to admit she was curious about the silent mech.

"Miko, dont encourage them. You know Optimus doesnt want fighting. Nether does Sparksong" Jack said as he and Raf walked up to miko, his arms crossed. Jack was about twenty now and Raf was about sixteen, and Miko was about 19 now. Quite a bit of time had passed sense they met the bots
"Oh, you know wheeljack can Frag him up easily" Miko said with a grin. The girl hadnt calmed down too much sense she met the bots.
"Miko, please, you know everyone is still a bit tense and we dont need something to happen to stress Sparksong sense the sparkling is due at any moment" Raf said to miko with a sigh.
However, just as Raf had said that, Optimus and Megatron had come running through, Optimus carrying a panting Sparksong and they yelled for Ratchet, who was still in the shower with his mate with the commlinks off. Sparksong is in labor and there are no medics with training to deliver a sparkling nearby

"MEGATRON, IM GONNA RIP OF YOUR SPIKE AND FEED IT TO PREDAKING FOR PUTTING ME THROUGH THIS!" Sparksong's shriek of pain could easily be heard by most of the people in the main room, the communications room, and the closer quarters to the medbay, though unfortunately, Ratchet had his room soundproofed at the moment so he hadnt heard her shriek,
Prime's laugh was also heard as megatron's hand flew to his interface unit as if it would protect it from the angry and in pain Tanah Kebebebasan femme, that had claws as sharp as razors

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