Chapter 5

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"...Youre pregnant" Ratchet said "But thats not all, youre not actually human" he said but skylar didnt hear him

Skylar stared at Ratchet with her mouth hanging open a bit "p-pregnant!?" she said, her voice getting high pitched 'pregnant?! i would rather energon poisoning!' she thought with horror and she was frozen in her place on the berth

"Skylar? Skylar?" Ratchet said, waving his hand infront of her, but her eyes were glazed over as she had zoned out.
"What happened Ratchet?" Optimus asked as he had entered the medbay when he heard ratchet calling Skylar's name
"I told Skylar her results of the blood test and she just glitched!" Ratchet said, annoyed
"What were her results, Ratchet?" Optimus said in worry
"Shes my patient-"
"RATCHET!" Optimus snapped, worried for Skylar
"Shes sparked, Optimus" Ratchet said with a sigh and Optimus looked horrified and he sat next to Skylar
"Skylar? its going to be okay"
Skylar snapped out of her thoughts and she turned to Optimus "Okay?! its not going to be okay! IM PREGNANT WITH HIS DAMN KID!" Skylar shrieked at him "HOW IS THAT OKAY!?"

The bots outside of the medbay heard Skylar's shriek and they all looked at each other, unsure what to think and then the proximity alarm went off
"Scrap, its Fowler" Arcee muttered and went into the medbay
"Prime, Fowler" Arcee said and she sat next to the crying skylar and she hugged the younger girl and rocked her gently as Prime and Ratchet went to speak to Fowler

"PRIME!" Fowler yelled as he got off the elevator, he was relieved to see the leader already at the loft. "i found something interesting about where Skylar was found" He said as he opened up a folder in his hands "it says she had been born from a humanoid. the woman had electric blue eyes, blonde hair with red highlights and she had metallic dragon wings and tail. her skin was white like a humans but it was more synthetic. and apperently my brother helped deliver the child and the mother died during birth" Fowler said
Optimus let out a hum. "I will have my medic look into it, though right now she is distraught enough over what had happened with the Decepticons"
"is she doing any better?" Fowler asked with worry
"No, we just found out she is carrying megatron's child" Optimus said, rubbing his faceplates.
"oh...sweet lady liberty...just take care of her prime, she needs you all. Tell her i love her" Fowler said as he began walking back to the elevator

Skylar had stopped crying and she had her head on Arcee's shoulder as the femme rubbed the girls back. Arcee felt bad for the girl especially sense the girl had no mother figure or father figure to care for her.
"Arcee...i...i dont know what to do" Skylar said, feeling broken as she looked at the femme whom she looked up to as a mother figure. Arcee always seemed to know the right thing to say.
"I know, i know, but for now, you need to calm down, stress isnt good for you, maybe you should lay down and take a nap" Arcee said and the girl nodded and laid down, closing her eyes
Arcee tucked Skylar in and she left the medbay with a frown on her face

"She doesnt deserve to go through this" Arcee said as she entered the main room. She shook her helm a bit and she watched ratchet typing on the computer
"What are you looking for, Ratchet?" Arcee asked
"Skylar isnt human, I am running her dna through the system to see if i can find a match on her species." Ratchet replied, not looking at the femme and he was typing furiously.
"Fowler told us about some information he had come across on her origin" Optimus said as he too was on a computer.

after a while Optimus' computer dinged and a imgage of a humanoid female appeared. She had brown hair and gargoyle like limbs and then the photo changed to a male who had dragon wings and a dragon tail and horns sticking out of his head and then the image changed to a planet that looked much like cybertronain and earth in one appeared
"tanah Kebebasan" Optimus said softly.
"What prime?" Ratchet asked
"around the time the thirteen were created, there was a planet called Tanah Kebebasan. It was destroyed by was said its people had been extinct"
"But wasnt there a prophecy that primus sent a part of his spark out to the galaxy where it would be born to become Cybertron's hero and princess?" Ratchet asked "Is it possible she or is, helped some of the Tanah Kebebasanians off world?"
"Well, it was sent out after the war with Unicron, so its highly unlikely" Optimus said "But there is a chance it became a Tanah Kebeasanian or that Skylar is the lost spark" Optimus said and he sighed and he turned and went to his office, where he then began looking through Datapads

While Skylar slept, her form began changing, from her back, large, black regal dragon wings sprouted, her hands had black scales cover them, large, sharp, claws growing from her fingernails, from her tailbone, a long black scaled tail appeared, a fin on each side near the end and she had scales cover her breasts, go down her sides and back, and cover/hide her womanhood and ass, the scales going down to cover most of her legs, stopping halfway between her knee and ankles. Her feet stayed human like, her face stayed human like as well, her stomach had shin showing as it looked like an oval with her belly button in the middle and just under her breasts were bare. her blonde hair grew longer and the ends are a deep blue. she also had scales over her shoulders.

Skylar's eyes snapped open and she sat up, letting out a squeak of suprise as she fell off the berth. "What the hell?!" she asked as she slowly stood up and she noticed she stretched her wings out and she smirked at how large they were. Even though she was freaking out inside, she couldnt help but be impressed. She walked out of the medbay, her dress forgotten as her scales covered enough she was decent.
"Uh, Guys?" She said softly

Deep in space a large ship was headed to earth. in the control room, a male with black hair and green eyes, had red dragon limbs and scales was standing next to a female whom had green and blue scales littering her body and she had purple and blue hair, her fingers and toes were webbed. Her eyes were a sea blue.
"aku ngrasakake percikan anyar" he said to the female, whom looked at her mate
"Apa sampeyan yakin? putri saka primus?" she asked
"Positif. Iku Sparksong. Ora ana ragu babagan iki. ana loro prèmèt sing adoh, mung siji sing dadi prahara saka primata" he said, "Sampeyan kudu ngerteni dheweke rauh banget Brightstar"

Disclaimer: the only thing I own here is my oc.

Please review!


aku ngrasakake percikan anyar: I sense the new spark

Apa sampeyan yakin? putri saka primus?: Are you sure its our charge? the daughter of primus?

Positif. Iku Sparksong. Ora ana ragu babagan iki. ana loro prèmèt sing adoh, mung siji sing dadi prahara saka primata: Positive. It is Sparksong. There are no doubts about it. there are two primes nearby, only one is the spark of primus

Sampeyan kudu ngerteni dheweke rauh banget Brightstar:You should sense her soon too, Brightstar

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