Empty Halls

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(This story takes place in the view of Makoto Naegi. It takes place during chapter 2, before the second murder occurred and after Ishimaru and Oowada became best friends. Lots of fluff and stuff. Enjoy!)

The school hallways of Kibougamine Academy stood silent. In the situation we were in, it wasn't unusual for the attention to me hi, causing there to be a lot of silence. However, the hallways were empty as well as the rooms for some reason.

I was wandering through the halls on the first floor, looking for anyone who might know where everyone was. Of course, I checked the gymnasium first in case I might have missed an announcement for another incentive. The first murder was scary enough for everyone. Maizono being killed in my bedroom shower by Kuwata stunned us all. I sighed heavily as I remembered how she had betrayed our friendship, planning to frame me after her plan to kill Kiwatha, a second betrayal of their friendship.

I glanced into each of the classrooms when I finally saw a familiar face.

"Kirigiri-san!" I called, slightly relieved it happened to be her I found.

"Naegi-kun, what are you doing here?" she said, her voice monotone.

I jumped a bit at her question. "I could ask the same about you,"I said sheepishly. I didn't want her to think I was being rude.

Kirigiri let the smallest hint of a smile rise across her face. "I'm just looking for anything interesting. Shouldn't you be going to the cafeteria?" She added, crouching down in front of one of the desks.

"What do you mean?" I asked, walking over towards her. She was looking inside the desk cubby, flipping through an old textbook that was left inside.

"Ishimaru-kun told us to meet in the cafeteria," she replied after she close the textbook. She looked up and I felt mesmerized by her lavender eyes.

Kirigiri had been the one who helped me through this despairing situation. She had helped me through the trial after everyone was accusing me as the murderer, as well as speaking to me after to help me feel better about Maizono's betrayal. Kirigiri and I have become very close, spending time together whenever possible and investigating any secrets the Academy held together. Ever since I first saw her, I have always felt something special towards her. She's cunning, intelligent, but most of all, she's beautiful. I only hope she feels the same way for me. However, with her iron mask hiding most emotions, I can never tell.


My attention snap back to reality again. "S-sorry!" I blurted, feeling heat rise in my cheeks.

Kirigiri smiled, making me blush even more. "Ishimaru-kun told us we should all meet in the cafeteria for a meeting," she stood up and began to walk out, "I guess you were asleep when he knocked on your door. You better get going," she added as she left towards the doorway.

"Wait!" I called, and without thinking, I reached out and grabbed her hand. She turned around and brushed a lock of silvery lavender hair from her eyes. Although she hid her emotions really well, she seemed a bit surprised.

"Shouldn't you be going as well? I mean, it's probably something important if he's calling everyone there." I soon realized she had the faintest tint of pink on her pale cheeks, and that's when I saw I was holding her gloved hand. I hastily apologized, my face burning up, and I let go of her and held onto my left arm instead.

"It's alright, Naegi-kun," she said, closing her eyes. She raised her hand over her mouth to hide her smile on her flushed face. "I was going to finish looking in these classrooms before I went to the cafeteria," she admitted, looking back into my eyes. Oh goodness. I could feel my face turning redder as she gazed at me for a moment.

"H-how about we go there t-together then?" I stuttered, unable to look at her, "I mean, if I go, they'll ask me if I know where you are, a-and I don't want to tell them that you are planning to come late, nor do I want to lie to them."

I bit my lip as I waited for a response. Then, Kirigiri smiled. "Alright," she said, "but I would still like to check out classroom 1-B before we get going." She turned out the door before I could thank her or say anything. I stood there for a moment, wondering if what just happened really just happened. I quickly ran after her when I heard the other classroom door open and watched her continue her investigation.

I will post the next chapter soon.

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