*Kandy has a special candy for Ruka when she is feeling any other emotion of happy,
Elvern tried to kiss Cresent but passed out due to nervousness,
Egoraptor has trained the same way since he was a child his response to this was "If it ain't broke don't fix it".
Mallory accidentally made Terra almost kill Topia (side note Mallory almost killed Topia )
Daffodil burnt the clothes he was wearing at Eliuptlite clan when she visited
Every Paladins door has a unique way to open in
Snowballs are too heavy for any other dragon to open
Chamelus door needs a powerful electric shock from his special black lighting
Peach's door needs twenty thorns and ten seeds
Tridents are totally submerged under water
omegas is a puzzle lock
Terra's door is encased in stone and is unmoveable until the stone is removed
Topia's door is being pulled back by a strong gust of wind
Crescents door is normal
splashes door needs a key which is her helmet
nobody has seen Quarts door but she mostly stays in the library
Midas door is always a cool te,p of 1123 celsius
Sparky sheds so much he isn't allowed back in the common room unless he is in dragon form
*I know I said I wouldn't give much background or backstory to be clear but I do want to give a basic summary of what happened to my clan thought a couple of years we've been growing.
so basically two dragons from a distant land traveled to Sornieth because they passed a large trial with 10 other dragons to travel to Sornieth those two dragons create a clan in the earth region three other dragons joined respectfully the clan was doing good until A band of rotten dragons came plundered and pillaged the clan killing off all but three other dragons. One day a large guardian dragon appeared and took over the guild and moved to it to the Shadow region the two dragons left and went to train in the wind region meanwhile back and clan the guardian built it strong before the guardian herself was outranked by a coatl the coatl did not take long to start another clan over in the water region which was a sister location the current queen of the clan was overthrown again by another coatl but before she was she managed to take a new role as princess then later on a pink emperor dragon and some other dragons to make a potion of immortality they called a heart potion a funny name considering you needed the heart of a dragon to finish the potion five dragons built and perfected the potion the emperor dragon tested his own kids with the potion and they grew supernatural faster and stronger they turned bad soon the current queen found out and killed every last dragon that been affected by the potion and locked away the dragon responible for a while but soon after a powerful clan got angry that they sacrifed dragons to make an attack an declared war the last strike was made by us we stole the egg of there best warrior it took a lot of fighting and time but it was worth it the egg radiated power giving everyone some form of supernatural powers one dragon could see the future and predicted that the dragon hatched and took over not to much after. after a year he did he was too powerful and killed almost every dragon in the clan but then the two dragons from the beginning came back and whooped his butt when he lost the position of the king all the supernatural powers went away and they moved back to the earth region and that's about all