Chapter 15: Party Time

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Here's chapter 15. It explains why Niall did what he did in chapter 14. You guys are really being mean to Niall, and now I feel guilty. Chill out. seriously. Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to the lovely KaylaParis. She's one of my favorite authors here on wattpad. Her book 'We Both Need To Wake Up' is one of my favorites. It's amazing, so original, and descriptive, and it's a MUST read. So, do that when you're done here.

Don't forget to FAN, VOTE, AND COMMENT.

For both of us!! :)

The video to the side over there shows the part of the dance I wrote about. They don't do the whole dance, just that one part. So, read. watch. Fan, vote, and comment.


--Niall's P.O.V--

Okay. So, yeah. I'm in love with Amberlynn. And I'm the only one that knows. And, yes, I'm going out to dinner with another girl that isn't Amber. It's a good thing that no one knows about my feelings for her. They'd be questioning why I was going on a date with another girl.

The truth is, I didn't want to like Amberlynn. I mean, she's my best friend. Besides, she'd never like me. If she wasn't my best friend, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Maybe if we'd met randomly it'd be different. We wouldn't be as close, and I might have a chance. But because we were best friends, and we were so close, she'd never feel the same way for me, that I do for her.

So, yes, I was going on a date with another girl. I was hoping I could find someone else, and maybe my romantic feelings toward Amber would fade.

I went to the hotel she was staying at. She had texted me earlier and told me her room number. I rode the elevator up to the floor her room was on, and walked down the hall to find the chestnut colored door with the golden number.

I knocked on the door, and waited. It opened, and she appeared in the doorway. I smiled at her. She was wearing a yellow dress, and black heels.

"Hey, Tess." She smiled, and pushed a strand of black hair back behind her ear.

"Hello, Niall."

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Let me just go get my clutch and we can go." She motioned for me to come in, and disappeared through another door. She wasn't gone very long before appearing again. "Okay. I'm ready." I smiled at her, and held out my arm. She took it, and we walked towards the door. I opened it for her, and closed it behind me after following her out.

The two of us rode the elevator down, and walked across the lobby, and out the door. I hailed a cab, and let her climb in first. After I instructed the driver where to go, he drove off towards the italian restaurant I had picked for dinner.

--Louis' P.O.V--

Amberlynn soon fell asleep. I sat there, and continued to watch the movie that wa splaying even though I had no idea what was going on. I couldn't focus on the movies. I just couldn't stop thinking about Amber.

I knew something had caused the panic attack. I just didn't know what. Niall was walking around completely oblivious to the fact that something had triggered her attack. I remembered back to the night I found her. Her mouth was moving like she was trying to talk, but no words would come out. Her body was cold and sweaty, and her eyes were unfocused. Until she looked at me.

I shuddered, and looked down at Amber who was sleeping peacefully in my lap. I thought back to earlier in the night of her attack, trying to figure out what could have caused it. I know Niall said she felt sick during the twitter questions, but she was fine when I found her after the concert. She said the same thing during the meet and greet, but I don't remember anything that could have caused her attack.

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