Chapter 16: You Again

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"That was fun!" I said, letting out a laugh. I was now on the couch with my head in Lou's lap, and my feet resting over Harry's lap. Lou looked down at me, and smiled. I returned it.

"So, you had fun, yeah?" Louis asked me. I nodded.

"I did. Thank you. Both of you. You didn't have to stay." I told them.

"As we've already said: we wanted to!" Harry said to me. I gave him a smile.

"That was way more fun than what we planned on doing." Louis added.

"Speaking of.. What did you plan on doing?" I asked. They looked at each other, and shrugged.

"No idea. But this was more fun." I smiled again.

"Are you guys as hungry as I am?" I asked.

"Starved." Harry said, rubbing his stomach. I giggled. "What about you, Lou?" Harry asked. I shifted my gaze to look at Louis.

"I could, in fact, use some food." He said. I swung my legs off of Harry's lap, and climbed to my feet.

"Let me take a quick shower!" I called over my shoulder as I headed towards the bedroom. I got to the door, and heard Louis sigh.

"Do you really have to take a shower to go to McDonalds?" He yelled to me. I turned around and looked at him.

"Yes, Louis. I'm sweaty, and I smell. It's gross."

"You were laying in my lap. I didn't smell anything. Did you Harry?"


"I'll take a ten minute shower, now hush." I said, before turning back around.

"I'm not eating at McDonalds." I heard Harry say. "That's all we ever do. Let's go somewhere else." Louis let out an exasperated sigh.

"Why does everyone want to argue today? Geez!" I giggled, and continued into the bedroom. I grabbed some clean clothes, then walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

*                                                                  *                                                                  *

When I emerged from the bathroom, I was wearing jean shorts, a tank top, and my converse. My dirty-blonde hair was wet, and tied up into a ponytail. I walked into the living room.

"Okay, guys. I'm ready. We can go." They got up off the couch, and followed me to the door. We started walking to town where the restaurants were. "So, where are we eating?" I asked, looking at the signs off in the distance.

"How about Pizza Hut?" Louis suggested. I amde a face, and shook my head. "What's wrong with pizza?"

"I don't like cheese on pizza. It's melted and stringy."

"But you eat cheese on burgers." Harry said.

"Yes, but it's not stringy cheese is it?" I said. "Hey, what about Taco Bell?"

"Tacos! I say yes!" Harry said.

"Taco Bell it is, then." Louis said. I smiled as we made our way to the restaurant.

After we ordered our food, we sat down in a booth and started eating. Soon, my phone started ringing. I pulled it from the pocket of my shorts, and looked at the screen.

Incoming Call: Nialler

I pressed the green button, and put the phone to my ear.

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