Chapter 3: The Doll

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I sat in the kitchen, drinking some warm milk and honey while reading a book. I had developed a bit of a cold from yesterday and Coraline had developed a reddish-pink rash from the poison oak. Mum was in the kitchen as well, working on the garden catalogue. I looked up and could see my twin staring out of the window, wearing her raincoat, while putting packets of seeds on the windowsill.

"I almost fell down a well yesterday, mum." Coraline said.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes before continuing my book.
"Uh huh." Mum said, not listening.
"I would have died."
"That's nice." Mum said, still typing on the computer.
I snorted into my mug when I heard mum say that.

"You okay, Carol?" Coraline said, scratching the rash, not looking away from the window.
"I'm okay." I say, silently giggling.

"So can I go out? I think it's the perfect weather for gardening." Coraline said turning around.
"No, Coraline. Rain makes mud, mud makes a mess." Mum replied, typing away on the computer.
"But Mom, I want stuff growing when my friends come to visit. Isn't that why we moved here?" Coraline said.
"Something like that." Mum said. "Then we had the accident." She said, pointing to the neck brace.
"Hey, it wasn't my fault you were hit by that truck." Coraline said throwing her hands up in the air.
"I never said it was."

"I don't believe it, you and dad get paid to write about plants and you hate dirt." Coraline muttered loud enough for us to hear.
Mum lost her patience and stopped typing.
"Coraline, I don't have time for you right now. And both of you have unpacking to do, lots of unpacking."
"Wait, me too?" I ask but stopped when mum glared at me.
"That sounds exciting." Coraline said sarcastically.

"Oh, some kid left this on the front porch." Mum said handing a newspaper wrapped package to Coraline.
I finished the last of my milk and stood up, walking to Coraline. I looked over her shoulder and read the note she was reading.

'Hey Jonesy, look what I found in Gramma's trunk. Look familiar? Wybie.' The note read.
Coraline opened the package and inside was a doll with button eyes, blue hair and a yellow raincoat. It looked like a doll version of Coraline.

"Huh...a little me? Weird." Coraline said to herself.
I eyed the doll, everything about it screamed; Don't trust it!
Coraline crumpled the note and threw it in the bin.
"What's his name anyway?" Mum asked, typing on the laptop.
"Wybie." I tell her.
"And I'm way too old for dolls." Coraline said walking out of the kitchen with me in tow, taking the doll with her.

We walked into the study, where dad was slowly typing away at his ancient computer. Empty coffee cups littered the floor and a few boxes with gardening magazines were around the room. I winced at the squeaking the door made but dad didn't turn around.

"Hey dad, how's the writing" Coraline said.
I rolled my eyes as he ignored us and cleared my throat.
He sighed. "Hello Coraline, Carol...and...Coraline doll?" Dad said, seeing our reflections.

"Do you know where the garden tools are?" Coraline asked.
Dad paused as he heard the rain. "It's pouring out there isn't it?"
"It's just raining." Coraline said, crossing her arms.
"What'd the boss say?" Dad asked.

"Don't even think about going outside Coraline Jones!" Coraline mocked, making me giggle.
"Then you won't be needing the tools." Dad said, making Coraline sigh.

I sighed and crept away, towards the stairs. I almost tripped on a bump in the carpet, stepping over it I walked up the stairs to the room Coraline and I were sharing. The rest of our furniture had been moved into the room. I put the book down on my bed and grabbed some paper and a pen, sat down at my desk and started writing.

'Dear Sally,
We've settled in the house, but it's so dull here. Yesterday Coraline and I met a boy called Wybie, whose grandma own's the Pink Palace. He seems nice enough, but Coraline thinks he's a bit annoying. We haven't met any of the other neighbours yet but I hope we will soon. How's everything going in Michigan? Hopefully better than us. Please write soon.
From Carol'

I folded up my letter just as the lights started flickering then heard dad screaming over his computer from downstairs. I sighed and put the letter in an envelope then walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and put the envelope next to mum.
"Can you please send this when you go to town?" I asked.
"You can, we're going to town in a few days to get some school clothes for you and Coraline. You can post it then." Mum replied.
"Ok." I reply, putting the letter in my back pocket and walking off to find Coraline.

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