Chapter 1: Kindergarten

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A/N: This chapter is supposed to be fun I know it's not accurate but just go with it thank you lovelies xx

Alice's P.O.V 

First Day of Kindergarten.

"Okay Now Alice here is your lunch if you need anything just go find Luke alright?" My Mum said handing me down a sack lunch to put in my school bag. Today was my first day of kindergarden and  although Luke constantly teased me how kindergarten is for babies, even though he just got out of it a year ago. I'm more of a big girl than you're thinking I know how to hit people and stand up for myself, Luke taught me, my big brother was nice to me sometimes. Mum adjusted my  pony-tail and school uniform and I left the door heading off the school. 

Quinn's P.O.V

My older brother, Michael walked me to the door outside my classroom "Be good kiddo don't cause too much trouble" he said ruffling my hair and I couldn't help but giggle and hug him "See you later" he said hugging me back then leaving for his class. I sighed and sat on the floor, no one here looked nice enough to talk too they were all bigger kids or boys so she waited.

Sarah's  P.O.V 

We were halfway to the school when I stopped and stomped my feet into the pavement "Ashton do not make me go!" I shouted at my cousin. I tried everything holding my breath, screaming, sitting on the ground, I didn't want to start kindergarten! But Ashton wouldn't have it he picked me up and Marched me to my classroom and left with a small good-bye. I sat with a girl who had pretty black hair named Quinn, she's my best friend now.

Liv's P.O.V

I was quiet and scared to go to school this morning I was scared no one would  be my friend, Calum didn't help he was just being a meanie, Mali was definitely a help, once she calmed me down fixed my pigtails and tried to fix my socks (one was bigger than the other) we went off to school. By the time we got there most of the other kids were already there and had found someone to talk to. Tears welled up in my big blue eyes thinking I wouldn't have a friend before another girl came over to me and smiled "Hi I'm Alice! Let's be friends"  she said and I smiled back at her and nodded "Okay!" I said. 

Alice's P.O.V 

"This isn't pre-school give me back my crayon Quinn stop being a liar!" I shouted, the teacher left the room to go get some snacks and this girl took my crayon and said it was hers. "It's not your crayon Alice!" Quinn shouted back at me.  "Yeah it is I watched you steal it!" I say crossing my arms. "She didn't steal it stop being a liar!" A girl who had wavy dirty blonde hair,by the name of Sarah shouted. "Yeah she did I watched her!" Liv shouted as one of her socks slid down her calves and her uneven pigtails bounced. "Give me my crayon you jerk!" I shouted and tackled Quinn like my brothers did all the time. I could tell she was about to cry then she elbowed my nose and I started to bleed and cry I kicked her and she started crying too. 

After School 

After Liv's older sibling Mali and Calum picked her up,Luke still hadn't gotten me so I went and waited at the playground, Quinn was there waiting and Sarah was just leaving with a boy who looked older than her. I sat on the curb occasionally glaring over at Quinn, I wanted to yank that stupid black bun out of her head. "Hey Alice ready to go?" I heard Luke ask from behind me. I nodded and slowly stood up. "You've got blood on your  uniform" he says and I nod " A girl, the one over there her name is Quinn Clifford, she took my crayon so I tackled her she elbowed my nose I bled and kicked her and now she's my arch nemesis" I say pouting. Luke looked over at Quin who was now with someone who looked like her brothe and she seemed to be explaning the story. "I think I know her brother we can go ask him to have her apologise yeah?" he asked and I nodded.  We walked over to them "Hey Michael" Luke said as I stuck my tongue out at Quinn and she stuck her tongue back out at me. "Hey Luke what's up?" the boy named Michael asked. "Your sister made my sister have a bloody nose and I was wondering if she could apologise?" he asked, Michael looked at him like he was crazy "No way Hemmings! Your sister tackled Quinn for something she didn't even do!" I frowned"That's it let me at him no one talks to my brother like that!" I shouted and charged towards Michael but Quinn stepped forward "Don't touch my brother!" she yelled at me and pushed me "Don't touch me!" I yelled and pushed her back "C'mon Quinn we're leaving" Michael said grabbing Quinn's hand and leaving "I hate that jerk" Luke said kicking the ground before gently taking my hand and walking home. "I made a friend today mummy!" I said grinning to her "Yeah?" she said looking down at me "Her name is Liv and she had blonde hair just like you,Luke, and everyone else but me" I was the only one in my family that was a brunette Daddy said I got it from his grandad. "But she stood up for me and has blue eyes like me" I say enthused. I already told her about Quinn "What's her surname her first name sounds familiar" Luke asked I though for a second "Hood, but her Mummy and Daddy did something call adopt her" I say "Mum That's Calum's sister! and get this Quinn is Michael's younger sister!" Luke said explaining everything. "You don't get along with Michael too well do you?" Mum asked and Luke shook his head "Well Like Brother Like Sister" she said muttering under her breath "Let's just hope things get resolved" she said a bit louder and I sighed having a feeling that they wouldn't for a while

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