Jup Meets The Warriors

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Chapter Three: Intro 101: Jup Meets The Warriors

It turns out that finding out fairytales are real is actually really exhausting. I spent all night reading every piece of information provided to me. It turns out my brother Jackson is actually my twin and he was placed with a human family somewhere undetectable. Finding him will be difficult because unlike me he knows who and what we are and that I exist. He knows that meeting before we turned 25 could be dangerous because we've spent too many years apart. Our wolves and possibly witchlings have grown separately and to reunite before our maturity age will cause a surge of our powers trying to merge us as one just as we were intended at birth. We were suppose to gain our abilities simultaneously and both equally share them when we turned 18 but because we were apart we gained them separately and our supernatural sides have repressed them and the merge to reconnect our power bond would be like adding fire to aerosol cans.

Once age of maturity is reached our powers are less like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Finding Jackson will be hard because he's hiding. He's hiding from me and I need him.

By the time I finished going through everything I was feeling a lot of emotions some being lost and confused. I felt like I didn't know who I was anymore and it was already bad enough knowing your adopted with no clue as to who your birth parents are.

After locking everything safely away in the vault I wandered off to the back garden and swimming pool. I found a nice area in the grass to lay. Staring up at the early morning sky I thought about everything that has happened so far. I thought about my parents, their death, my brother who turns out to be my twin, the fact he's hiding from me, moving to Georgia without being able to say goodbye to anyone and ultimately feeling more alone then I have ever felt in my life. Before I realized it, I was sobbing out in the grass holding, myself in the fetal position. I felt truly alone in the world and I had to find a brother who doesn't want to be found. As well as being thrown into a world where I have more questions than answers. By the time I stood to my feet and I wiped my last few tears I was all cried out. Still feeling the same but with a new determination.

I turned towards the tree line to see three wolves about 7 feet tall if not taller staring at me. At first, I was frozen in shock but now I'm angry. What type of freak wolves are those.

"Hey! Hey!" I screamed as I watched their ears perk up to listen. "What the hell do you think you're doing on my property?" I shouted out . Something about these wolves told me they couldn't possibly be human. It could've been their size or the fact their eyes looked so human as if they knew exactly who and what I was. It was as if they understood exactly what I was saying. It clicked that they were werewolves and I become even more erratic as the thought occurred. I was supposed to be safe here.

"So what? You like to watch a girl sob her eyes out? Is that it? Get the hell off my property you freaks!!" I screeched erratically!. I watched them began to growl as the largest wolf, a smoky gray with pure white paws that looked like socks shifted in front of my eyes.

"Hello Jupiter." he stated

I guess reading werewolves are real and seeing werewolves are real are two very different levels of acceptance. I suppose my mind wasn't too keen on the acceptance because I passed out.

"Xander I told you shifting would scare her half to death . But nooooooooo no one likes to listen to Owen. I misjudge one situation and suddenly I'm not to be trusted. Well look what happens when you don't trust your Beta Warrior." the voice said whiny and frustrated. "Shut the hell up Owen she's waking up besides Andre said he watched her security footage and she should know who and what we are. I didn't think she would pass out." said the voice of what I assume was Xander. As the fog cleared I was fully aware that there are three large dudes circled around me. My head was propped onto a folded t-shirt. "Ge... Ge.. Get away from me!" I shrieked loudly trying to scoot away.

"It's okay, It's Okay, Andre sent us here! We're not here to hurt you, we're here to help you." said another foreign voice. "I'm Liam, that's Owen in the blue shorts, and Xander in the red ones. We will wait here and you can go and call Andre to confirm what I'm saying. We live just a small distance past the tree line on your property." he stated holding his hands up in the air in surrender. I nodded my head, turned around and took off running towards the office where my new cell phone was and dialed Andre.

"Hello" said his scratchy voice. "There's three strangers in my backyard claiming you sent them here to help me. Is that true or are they going to try to kill me too?" I rushed out.  "No worries Jupiter I sent them to train you. There's been a slight change of plans as you know some people wish to kill you and your twin. We were waiting to train you together but you need to be able to defend yourself. I'll be arriving in a month's time and I will aide in your transition to this new life and finding your brother. I'll see you soon." he said hanging up the phone with no goodbye. How rude I thought as I walked back to the backyard and the guys were standing in the same spot waiting for me to return.

"Okay, he said you guys are cool." I muttered awkwardly. I watched as the guys nodded and Xander began to speak.

"I am an Alpha Warrior and I'll be teaching you all that you need to know about the Supernatural world. Owen is a Beta Warrior and an empath with Psychic and mind abilities and he will train you in the gym to get fit and healthy, Liam is Gamma Warrior who is also a made witch who will show you how to train your witch side and train you on everything he knows on combat, war and tactic. This will be hard, everyday you will be sore and you will hate us, you will feel we are being unreasonable and unfair and too hard on you. You will be correct and we will still push you harder, it is not our jobs to be fair and reasonable we are here to make you the best. You will never feel weak and hopeless again." he stated sternly.

"You can't really expect me to listen to you can you?" I laughed out and folded my arms across my chest and arched an eyebrow. "Your not the boss of me and you're delusional if you think I'll do anything you say. I won't!" I stated firmly.

"You can laugh and be stubborn all you want but things will be seen my way!! When the people who wan to kill you catches you off the property and leaves you for dead after they've tortured you like they did your adoptive parents it won't be them dying to protect you again... It'll just be you!!!" Said Xander in a cold and firm voice.

"You fucking asshole!" I screeched out and stormed into the house crying. I could hear their voices as I retreated.

"Come on man that was cruel to say!" said Owen. "She needed to hear it. What he said may have been cruel but it was the truth." stated Liam.

At some point I must've fallen asleep because when I awoke there was a full plate of food with water and what appeared to be vitamins on my bedside table. The food consisted of two chicken breast, brown rice and mixed vegetables. With the plate was a note from Xander..

Eat everything on the plate, with how skinny you are you could use some gains.! Remember you need to be up and ready for your day at 5 a.m.


"What an asshole!" I stated out loud as I preceded to eat everything on the plate.. Not because he told me to but because I was just really hungry.

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