t o d a y

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i had media today period 3, and it was our

last lesson til the new school year today so we

just chilled out, but earlier on in like june we

recreated music videos, and my friend and i

chose kiwi by harry styles and my class got

asked if anyone wanted to show the music

videos and i said to jen (her names not

actually jen but i'm not exposing her yet) that i

didn't want our video to be shown to the class

and she said ok, so then she put her hand up

and volunteered our video and i tried telling

our teacher how i didn't want to show the

class the video and she just ignored me and

then i couldn't tell whether people were

laughing at me because i was actually 

having a panic attack and then at the end of

the video jen laughed at me and said "ha i've

embarrassed you now" like nah shit sherlock.

and she knows how i get in those sort of

situations so i don't know why she didn't just 

respect my decision.

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