A date

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"I've to go" I mumbled under my breath, zipping my black leather bag before swinging it over my shoulder.

"Aren't you late already?" Jimin raised a brow, following me around like a lost child.

"I have fifteen minutes" I jogged, being careful not to land on my butt on the shiny white marbel beneath my heel.

"Good luck, Jae!" he waved, "You smell like hospital and spirit by the way!" he laughed as I walked out of the hospital's exit. "Thanks!". With a roll of my eyes, I waved back, hurrying towards my car.

Seoul traffic was being a pain in the ass, but I made those minutes of being stuck between vehicles productive by applying makeup, combing my hair and rubbing some perfume onto my wrists and neck.

The reminder on my phone had gone off a good ten minutes ago and all I could do at this point was rush towards the entrance of the restaurant. It was all about glass windows fancy letters painted onto them with yellow chandeliers glowing inside. As I was escorted towards the reserved table, my panicking brain began to breathe and heart rate slowed the moment I caught the table empty.

It felt nice to be the first one to arrive at a date for once! Atleast whoever it is that my parents had set up for me wouldn't think I stood him up. Smiling at the thought, I ordered a drink, before sipping on the glass of water to my right the moment the waiter served it full to cool my nerves.

My clammy hands dried as breathing evened out. Looking around the place, I found couple engrossed in each other as they linked hands on the table, some nudging their feet against their partner in an act of seduction, completely unaware of the fact that the table cloth just wasn't long enough to hide everything from prying eyes. It had to be my phone buzzing on my lap that'd grab my attention and of course, it's my mother as always.

Are you there yet?

Ten minutes past the designated time and there she was, asking me if I was there yet. Shaking my head, I replied with a timid 'yes. Waiting'.

Another ten minutes rolled off my sleeve and whoever this boy was that I was supposed to meet, I didn't like him already. One of my feet were out of its cage, resting against the clean, cold flooring, letting my anger drain out in the form of heat.

'Is he coming?'

I texted my mother, frustration clear in my text as I set the device back down on the table. With every tick of the needle on my watch, heaviness grew in my chest. Checking my phone, I looked at his picture- the one my mother had sent this morning, so I'd be able to recognize the man. I searched around, just in case I was at the wrong table? The possiblities were slim but I didn't want to take a chance.

'If he doesn't show up in another ten minutes, leave'

My mother was a housewife. She neither had a job nor a PhD but she sure as hell was the smartest woman I'd seen. Her telling me to leave in the next few minutes was all I needed as I slipped my heel back on, tapping my fingers against the table as I waited for seconds to tick past.

I thought it'd be easy but it only got harder. At this point I had realized that I just got stood up for the second time in my life. Mom said she'd check on the man who was supposed to meet me and would let me know but I knew by now that there was no way I was dating this guy, let alone marry.

People around guaged the situation and I recieved sympathetic looks every few seconds which only added weight to my sinking heart. Some even muttered to themselves looking in my direction while the others offered smiles with pursed lips.

With a dry throat and a heavy chest, I decided to leave. Just when my hand landed on my clutch, a man from a distance called over.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late babe" he raised his arms before leaning  down as if to place a peck on my cheek but whispered a, "play along" instead.

If such a thing happened, my conditioned response would be to stand up and flee the site but for some unknown reason, I sat rooted. From the picture mother had sent earlier, I knew, this wasn't the guy I was supposed to meet tonight. He wasn't my date!

I was prepared for that, not this! All my preparations fled my mind like scared children, my brain felt full of static like an old television set that's lost the signal. This man was beautiful, his dark black suit was crisp against his milky white skin. His gold framed watch adorned his wrist beautifully as his hands reached across the table to capture mine. Hair sleek black, combed back neatly to reveal his forehead, eye brows as dark as his eyes as he smiled wide, a hint of playfulness and authority.

When I'd stepped into this place, a part of me was screaming to turn around, but I knew my future was in there. I hadn't been so wrong for a while but now, I hoped this was my future.

"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" he stealthily shook my hand as I introduced myself with a smile, "Kim Jaehee".

Releasing his grip, he leaned back against the chair before unbuttoning that one button that held his suit together, "I got stood up" he laughed. Who in the world would do that to him?

"Me too" I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "I was about to get out of here" I confessed.

"You don't mind this, do you?" He raised a brow, concern evident.

"No no, not at all" I assured him, "in fact you made this a lot less awkward" shaking my head, I thought about all those looks of sympathy I'd have gotten if I walked out alone, looking defeated, ditched and derailed. "Shall we?" I picked up the menu and Jungkook nodded with a smile on his face.

The dinner wasn't the best we'd both had. When I made a face at the taste of sour mushroom, Jungkook sat on the other side, coughing before gulping water down to cleanse his mouth. The place was all show and bad food. We settled for ice cream and brownies at the end, hoping it'd make up to a shitty starter and a messy main course.

The conversation however was the best one I'd had with a stranger so far. Conversing with patients was a skill that was instilled in doctors like us but, talking to a handsome stranger at a dinner date, wasn't really my forte.

We started off with what we like to eat the most, spoke about the weather for a while which soon turned to outright cursing Seoul traffic. From the twenty minutes we'd spent so far, I'd discovered so much about Jungkook, and told him a lot about myself as well.

We were almost friends.

"What do you do?" I asked, eating some of my ice cream.

"I race" he said casually but I almost did a double take at that.
"I'm a professional racer" he grinned, "not your type huh, doc?"

"No, it's just" I laughed, shaking my head, "That's something so different. I haven't met someone like you before".

"Me too" he smirked, making heat rise up to my cheeks.



Racer!Jungkook driving  a car superfast has me whipped for some reason. I hope you guys find this interesting enough to stick by! Ily guys~

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