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When my phone buzzed on my lap, I excused myself for a moment, "I really need to answer this".

"Mum?" my voice was almost a whisper.

"He isn't coming, Jae. Get back home" she seemed angry and i didn't want to press the matter but couldn't hold in my curiosity either, "what'd he tell?" I asked away.

"He went through your pictures and he doesn't want to marry you". It was like a slap in my face, but why? "He told me you were too skinny for his liking. That Asshole!" She cursed under her breath as a painful smile formed on my face.

"It's fine" I responded, not knowing what to say.

"Come home, honey" She sounded soft now.

"Will do, in a while" I glanced over at Jungkook, "I umm, met a friend. I'll call you later" and I hung up. This wasn't the first time someone had commented on my appearance. I was skinny yes, but they didn't have to remind me of it every now and then.

Why are you so thin? Doesn't your mother feed you? Eat a fucking cheese burger! What not? I pushed all those bitter snaps to the back of my head as I returned to the table.

"I-uh" Jungkook bit his lip, "we can order another" he offered, looking at the empty plate of dessert between us.

With a giggle, I agreed.

"Tell me something about yourself" he asked, trying to get to know me further, it was sweet.

"I'm allergic to pollen" I grinned, catching him off guard.

"Oh my! Me too" he laughed, raising his hand over to high five. Jeon Jungkook was a fifteen year old! "No flowers, then" he watched me as I took another bite, "I'll make a mental note of that".
He was acting like this was an actual date and he was the one I was supposed to get married to. The idea seemed very pleasing though.

"Why race?" I questioned, looking up at the boy and he smiled fondly at the plate before him.

"It keeps me on edge. I like moving fast, the adrenaline and everything" he grabbed a tissue with his armani clad hand to wipe his lips clean, "I have a passion for cars".

"That's different-" I swallowed, "-and amazing".

"I know I'am" he winked. Instantly, I found myself raising a brow, "Don't flatter yourself, Jeon".

We laughed as the restaurant grew emptier over the hour. Jungkook sat there, waiting for me to finish the last bit of ice cream before I wiped my mouth clean. "Shall we?" He repeated my words from earlier as he placed the napkin on the table. Doing the same, I nodded, following him out of the restaurant before paying the bill.

The weather was cold against my skin as goosebumps were quick to rise. The man remained a step behind me as we exited and stood in front of the building for a few seconds, unwilling to leave yet.

"It was-"

"How about I give you a ride home?" Kook offered. I wanted to tell him 'it was nice meeting you' but oh well. A smirk played on my lips as I tilted my head a little, "How about I give you a ride home?"

He looked taken aback and I loved how his eyes went wide for a second before they turned into crescents as a warm smile split across his lips. "Sure" and the man followed me upto my car.

Opening the door to the passenger's seat, I watched him as he gracefully slid in, his suit not wrinkling one bit as he made himself comfortable. Jogging over to the other side, I tucked myself in quickly, giving Jungkook a look as I started the engine, "ready?".

He nodded,"Yes".

And the vehicle roared to life before taking off the empty road. I wasn't into speeding so I stayed within the speed limit, feeling extra conscious about both my driving and about how short my dress was every time Jungkook glanced over and kept looking my way whenever he had something to tell.

"Are you judging my driving skills?" I asked as he relaxed against the leather.

"No" he chuckled, "you're good".

"Take the next left, please" he pointed and I nodded before making the turn. Every time my feet pressed onto the accelerator, the hem of my dress rode a little higher up my thighs making me paranoid. I could feel Jungkook's eyes burning into my body and call it a reflex, I turned to look at him.

"Hmm?" He raised a brow, as if completely oblivious to his behavior as I turned back to set my eyes on the road. Jungkook isn't a fifteen year old, I take my words back.

"Straight up till the crossing, and then a right" he spoke.

"What about your car?" I asked concerned.

"I messaged my driver to take it home" he informed, one hand coming up to rest against the back of my seat and it felt as if he had a hand on my back. Why was I letting this man affect me so much?

"Stop judging my driving, Kook. I know I drive like a grandma" I defended myself when the wheels creaked as I made a slow ass turn and he couldn't help but giggle at the disturbing sound.

"You're fine, Jae!" He grinned, taking a deep breath and something about him using my nick name like that and just sitting there breathing and shit had my hands grow sweaty.

"There, that's my house" he leaned forward to point and I pulled over soon.

It wasn't a house from what I could make out in the dark. It was a mansion. Rich ass racer!

The vehicle was at a complete halt and I didn't want Jungkook to leave. He remained seated, not opening the door yet and I waited for him to say something.

"It was nice meeting you" he stretched his arm and I instinctively leaned in for a hug across the central console and the gear stick digging into my tummy.

"Thank you, for what you did today" I held onto his arm as he observed my features, "whoever stood you up today, is an asshole" he stated.

An involuntary smile took over at that comment, "that makes me feel better".

"Can I uh" he pulled away, "get your number?". The softness of his voice, shyness in his eyes and the way he stroked the back of his neck as he asked made me feel like we were high school kids all over again.

"Give me your phone" I stretched my hand out and he was quick to place the expensive device on the palm of my hand. The boy watched as I dailed and gave myself a quick call.

"There you go" I smiled.

"I'll need it if I ever fall sick" he winked, opening the door and stepping out carefully.

"I hope you don't fall sick, Jeon" I laughed.

"See you around then?" He asked, both hands secure on top of my car as he leaned forward to talk to me. I nodded shyly, a smile stuck onto my face that just wouldn't go away.

As I drove home and hit bed that night, my phone went 'ting' by my side.

New Message from Jungkook
Good night, beautiful!

Biting my lip, I typed out a reply, "Good night, Kook".


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