Cherry wine

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"You honestly think this is going to work?" I snarled, glaring at the intern who sat there with his ear phones in while a patient waited outside the cubicle.

"I'm so sorry, doc" he apologized, following me out as I walked towards the OT.

"This better be the last time I see you like that" I warned, slipping into the dressing rooms.

The temperature in the OT was too cool against my face as the rest of my body was kept warmer by the scrubs underneath and the lead jacket was too heavy as usual. The glove felt tight against my skin as I made an incision. The sound of x-rays snapping and a colleague humming a tune was all I could hear as we quietly started the surgery.

Two hours later, with rock music playing in the background, one of the resident surgeons did the stitches as I took my gloves off and tried to aim them towards the bin. "Put it in!" The nurse laughed and I gave it a throw, as always, it went in.

It had been a long day, two surgeries and three hours in the out patient department later, I squeezed myself into the comfort of my car, throwing my head back against the rest as I checked my phone for all the updates I'd missed through out the day.

Swiping everything off the screen, my thumb paused at that one notification that caught my eye. Grinning wide, I tapped it open.

Jungkook: Hey, are you free tonight?

"Yes" I muttered to myself before typing out the same thing as a response.

Waiting for another text, I looked out of the window only to notice the night duty doctors coming in as the other ones slid their cars out of the lot to disappear towards their homes. Another buzz in my lap and my head snapped towards it,

Jungkook: I'm street racing tonight. Would you like to come watch?

Jungkook: It'd be great if you came..

I had to think about it. I had never been to any such thing as a street race before. Was now a good idea to actually try it out just because a stranger I met a day before invited me to it? Even if I was going, I wasn't going alone.

Calling Jimin, I waited for the man to answer and he did after a ring or two. "Don't tell me you forgot to pick something up.." He trailed off.

"No, no. I just, do you wanna go out tonight. I'm bored" I tried to sound as casual as I could.

"What do you have in mind?" He laughed, with peaked interest.

"We could go watch a street race. I heard it's happening somewhere closer to the arcade" I bit my lip, hoping he'd agree.

"Alright, what time?"

"In two hours. I'll pick you up"

Shuffling the phone back onto my lap, I typed out a reply, agreeing to come before heading home straight for a shower and some food.


"You said the race was somewhere near the arcade" Jimin narrowed his eyes at the dark street ahead. The closer we got to the track, the louder the shouts and hoots became.

"Oh my God, I think this is a bad idea Jae!"

"Calm down Jimin" I laughed, looking over to my side to pinch the man's cheek. "Let's go have some fun".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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