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Jasmine stared at her screen in shock, Twitter pulled up onto her phone, the life destroying tweet staring at her in the face. Tears began welling up in her eyes and she was thankful that Tom wasn't able to see the state she was in.

Her eyes scanned the quick replies on the tweet, Tom speaking to her acting as background noise. It was obvious from his tone of voice that he knew nothing of the situation that Jake had now put Jasmine in.

Jasmine knew she eventually had to reply to Tom, he was going to notice something was wrong and she didn't want to tell anyone. She knew that it would eventually spread on social media but she didn't want it to be true.

Her ex is spreading a lie about her that could potentially ruin her career and she didn't want to say it out loud. It hurt her too much to even think about it.

"Um...Tom I'm gonna have t-to go. The director wants me on set earlier than I thought." Tom listened to the words that left Jasmines mouth and he knew she didn't sound okay. Her voice sounded hoarse and she hadn't even come to the camera to say bye to him.

"Okay, no problem. See you later." Tom said to Jasmine as he didn't want to push her to tell him what was wrong. They were close friends but he didn't think she would be comfortable telling him, despite how they spent their time together when they first met.

"B-bye Tom." Jasmines voice cracked as she spoke and she prayed that Tom never noticed but unfortunately for her, he did. It was clear as day that she wasn't okay and he worried for her.

Once the two hung up, Jasmine hugged her phone to her chest and began to cry. The tears streamed down her face and she felt her body begin to shake as she let out rapid breaths. She curled up onto the seat of the diner set, her knees pulled up to her chest and her eyes staring off into the distance.

She didn't even notice when the bell on the top of the door rang, showing that someone had entered the diner. The group of her 3 costars noticed the shaking Latina and immediately rushed to her side. Lili held her hand whilst Cole and KJ rested a hand on each of her shoulders.

"Jasmine, what's wrong?" Lili basically begged the woman in front of her. The worry drowned the blonde as she looked at the costar she had became so close to over the past few days.

"Something's happened but there's something you need to know before I tell you."



have you heard from

hi tom, I'm great thanks
what about you?

amelia, I'm serious

okay I'm sorry,
what's wrong?

I was on ft with jaz and she
said she had to leave to film but it
didn't seem like she was okay
you know?
it sounded like she was crying

omg give me a minute
I'll try and find out what's
going on

[5 minutes later]


what is it?

tap to open screenshot

omg the bastard

tom before this goes any further,
I need you to know that didn't
happen. jasmine didn't cheat on jake
it isn't my place to tell you what
went on but I can promise you
that what Jake is claiming didn't happen

don't worry, there's no ounce of
doubt in my mind that it isn't true

thank you tom

it's no problem
do you reckon it's a bit
much to go over to Vancouver
to see her
just to see if she's okay?

that's a great idea! I'd come
with you but I think now is
a good time for you to see her alone


ik you like her tom

omg he swore he wouldn't
say anything

yeah Harrison may have
mentioned it but it's obvious,
the only person who hasn't
noticed it is her
but she's never told me this
personally but she likes you too

but do you not think now is a
bad time to admit my feelings?

I don't think you should be
doing that
what I'm trying to say is, ever
since her last relationship she's
had walls built up
and I'd be lying if I said I didn't
want you to be the one to break
those walls she needs to be shown
that there are men in this world
that she can trust and open her heart
to once again. all you have to do is
be there for her and that'll be enough

don't worry amelia, I can
definitely do that

UNEXPECTED - TOM HOLLAND ✔️Where stories live. Discover now