My Prince

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Harry POV

Draco and I have been dating for 7 months already and none of our friends know. We always sneak to see each other at night we cuddle, do some frickle frackle sometimes. And one of us is a little protective...over protective. Draco gets really angry or jealous and the only person that calms him down is me. Sometimes things go a tad bit wrong.

   I found a note on my bed in my dorms. I opened it and it said

'Dear Raven,
   Meet me out side near the entrance hall in 15 mins. I have to talk to you. Dont be late!
Yours truly,
  I chuckled at the nickname he called himself and I.It took me 5 mins to get ready. Since it was Sunday i wore some ripped light blue jeans and a pastel pink sweat shirt. Yes i was wearing pastel clothes. I remember the floral crowns i wore the first day i met dray, he made it for me thats what made it so special. Mine was pastel pink and his was pastel blue. People might say i was gay but i was so they might as welldeal with it.

   I was walking outside near the entrance hall, and thinking about what draco wanted to tell me. Until i bumped into Marcus Flint and his 2 other friends. He grabbed my flower crown that dray made for me. He lifts it up above my reach. "Give it back!" i yell at him repeatedly. But he doesnt there was now a circle formed in the yard. "Whats wrong you little faggot! Ha! You little freak!"he says. I hear those 2 words that stab me right in the heart. He rips the petals out one by one spelling the words freak and faggot with each petal. My eyes are rimmed with tears. He brings back the memories of my uncle abusing me cause of magic and me being gay.

Draco POV

Its been 20 mins and harry still hasnt came. I started to worry. What if he was hurt? What if his friends saw the note? What if hes mad at me? What if he hates me? What if he wants to break up with me?! My thoughts got interupted when I saw a circle around some people. I walked towards the circle and pushed through the crowd what i saw suprised me and angered me. I saw Marcus Flint and his 2 sidekicks bullying my boyfriend Harry Potter. I could see how hurt he was with what Flint had done and said. I came up to him and punched him straight up in the jaw till he fell back. "What was that for?!" He asked. "For hurting my boyfriend!" Gasps and awes were heard all through out the crowd. "Harry are you alright did he hurt you?!" I asked harry while inspecting him for any injurys as he got up. "No, but you do realize you just came out to the whole school and blew our secret relationship?" He said with his sassy look in his eye. "Haha nice observations captain obvious!" I said in a sarcastic voice while i had a smile on my face. "Is this what you wanted to talk about?" He asked. "Yup!" I said popping the P. "You know i love you right." He said as he suddenly kissed me. "Well, i love you more." I said after we broke apart. The gasp erupted with aws and get a room. " We already did that!" I yelled back. There were ohs and laughs now. " lets go take a walk shall we." Harry said. "Yes,we shall my prince." Harry said back. 

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