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" Oeroumi gadeukhi pieoissneun I garden "



I entered the school. I was still sore from yesterday's beating. The pain was so bad I wanted to scream until nothing came out, but I slapped on a smile instead. When walked into the school,  I spotted Jung Hoseok. The bubbly young man understood me and he helped me when I couldn't hold it all in anymore. People say we are best friends but he's more of a brother to me then a friend. I let out a sigh. All this thinking has to be bad for me, but I can't help it.

The school quieted down when I walked in. Did I look that horrible? I mean, I felt like I died but I'm forced to live again, but I don't look that bad.. Right? Oh God.. What if the teachers call Appa? He will KILL me. No,  seriously. He would kill his own son. I'm not joking. I've seen him kill a person without hesitation. Call him crazy and you will end up like that poor dude he killed. I still wince when I hear a gun or a knife, and the kill was about 4 years ago. I felt my smile waver before dropping into a frown. Some people looked at me with disgusted faces while others looked at me with sorrowful and sympathetic faces. "TAAEEHHH-woah. Dude what happened to your face?" Hoseoks voice went from bubbly to dead serious in not even a second. It's kind of scary.

"Ouch" Hoseok winced when he looked at the cigarette burns on my arms and chest. We were currently in the men's restroom. "owowowow" I whined as he rubbed the rubbing alcohol into my burns. "Shh,  you only have a few more" Hoseok hushes me in a soothing and deep voice. Finally, he puts away the rubbing alcohol. "That hurt like a son of a bitch" I hissed through gritted teeth. Hoseok chuckled "Rubbing alcohol  is a bitch" he agreed. We both looked at each other before laughing. It felt great to be with Hoseok again. We finally calmed down and I slipped back on my shirt. "We better get to class," I took a quick look at my phone. "yeaahh" Hoseok sighs and we both leave.


"Bye!" I called out to my parents. It didn't matter, they were too busy fighting. I winced when I heard glass shatter and I quickly shut the mahogany brown door. What a great way to start the morning! I thought sarcastically as I entered the limo. I sat in a seat and waited for them to drop me off at school. Even though I didn't want to go.

I exited the limo and immediately I get flooded with hellos and girls surround me. I smile and try to politely make my way out of the crowd. I successfully made my way into the school when I noticed the bell was about to ring. I quickly gathered my stuff and rushed into the classroom. I took a seat in the front, like everybody expected of me, and waited for the lesson to start.

Finally, after 48 dreadful minutes, the bell rang and I left the room as quickly as possible. I couldn't stand another minute of that teachers annoying voice. When I reached the hallways I was again surrounded by girls. They all started talking at the same time and I tried to reply. Keyword: tried. All I wanted to do right now was sleep and scream and cry. But I force a smile and try to calm the girls down.

I entered my next class. I was a couple minutes early but I didn't mind. I took the chance to sleep. Even if it was only for 5 minutes.

I was rudely awakened by the assh--teacher. "Class is starting" she smiles. I could tell it was fake. She obviously disliked me. The teacher walked to the board and wrote down a word and started her lesson.


I woke up to find myself in the familiar white room. I always dread the awakening of slumber. Why? Because I was always greeted by the same boring, blank, white room. I could barely sleep. It was from insomnia. I believe the insomnia was caused by my fear of having another nightmare. I think I only sleep for a couple of hours a day. T-Thats not bad.. Right? Of course it's bad. Great. The devil is back. Who are you calling devil? You created me! Oh shut up. And why should I do that? Because they will think I'm crazy. But you are. You have too many problems. Your parents think your a monster because of that one incident. "shut up" monster "Shut up" monster "SHUT UP" MONSTER. THATS WHAT YOU ARE! "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" I cried. It won't go away. Make it go away. Make it go away!!

After a good 20 minutes it went away. This is probably why they are all scared of me. I think I stabbed the pillow.. A couple of times..? No, it was definantly a couple hundred. Go away. Please. Fine! Your boring to talk to anyway! Whatever!

A lady came in. She was tall, had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes that shone behind her black glasses. "Hello Jimin." she greeted sweetly. "My name is Mrs.Holver" she smiles. I look at her. She looks pretty killable, doesn't she?  Shut up. "H-Hello madam" Kill her no kill her, it won't do any harm. "no"i whisper. "hmm?" Mrs. Holver looks at me, kill her. Do. It. "no. I won't kill her." I say a little too loudly. "K-Kill who?" the woman looked a little amused and frightened. "He wants me to kill you" "Who, sweetheart?" I look at her with a crazy look in my eye. "The voice in my head, madam. Who else?" I reply. The woman looked frightened. "I-Ill be right back." she got up to leave. Like everybody else. "Don't leave me. Not like everybody else.. "

I finished the prologue!!  I will publish the first chapter soon. Fighting! ✊

The Truth Untold (K.TH, K.SJ, P.JM)Where stories live. Discover now