Chapter 1

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Gasituseongi I moraeseonge nan nal maeeosseo


I stood outside the door of my house. I despised this area. I would always come back just to leave. What's the point? Hesitantly, I open the door. The first thing I see is an angry man, a crying child, and a whip in the man's hand. "A-Appa?" I whisper, terrified of the sight infront of me. Appa grabbed my wrist so hard I bet it will bruise horribly tomorrow. He dragged me inside and slammed the door shut after throwing me onto the concrete floor. I felt a rough, wet fabric cover my eyes and all I see is darkness. Even though I don't open my eyes out of fear of what the cloth is soaked in. I heard a loud SNAP and a cry of pain beside him. I started shaking and crying when I realised I was gonna be hurt next. "nO!  PLEASE! APPA APPA NO PLEASE NO-" it was all cut off when I was whipped. My shirt was ripped and I felt blood run down my chest. It stung like a bitch and I was sobbing. "APPA PLEASE NO!" I heard my sister cry. Another moan of pain sounded as another SNAP broke the screaming.

I woke up sore. I felt disgusting. I was covered in dried blood. Sitting up I got off my bed and limped to the bathroom. One look at myself and I was immediately revolted by my appearance. Opening a shelf I grabbed some foundation to cover up the bruises. There wasn't much left but there was enough. Quickly dabbing on the foundation, I got ready. Instead of washing my hair I just drenched it in water. I'll wash it tonight. I left the door before Appa some up and went to school.  When I entered the school Hoseok waved at me and smiled, being the sunshine he is. I forced a smile and waved back before making my way over to him. "Tae, you won't believe it! There's a new kid coming today! And he's pretty cute~" Hoseok announced. "What's his-" I was interrupted by a unfamlilair freshman bumping into my shoulder and dropping his book. I flinched when he hit my shoulder and looked at the kid as he bent down and got his book. "Sorry for bumping into you!" He called as he walked away, turning around and smiling, showing his bunny teeth. I smiled a bit brighter and nodded. "That was the new kid! He's so cute~!" Hoseok cooed. I smiled to myself and thought yeah, he is pretty cute


I walked out my room and saw Appa passed out on his chair and Eomma doing Appas work on his computer. I smiled to myself finally, no yelling and fighting to start the morning I thought and left the boring, quiet house to go to school. I entered the limo and sat in a seat. I grabbed my phone and started looking through social medias, getting updated on things. I eventually turned off my phone because there was nothing interesting happening right now. Well,  if you call Young man proposes to girlfriend infront of  public interesting then go ahead. But that's all boring. We finally made it to school and I exited the van. I made it into school and had nobody around for about 2.5 seconds before I was surrounded. I sigh, this was gonna be a long day.

It was lunch time and I escaped from everybody. Finally. I walked to the back of the school and sat there. That's when my thoughts started to attack. You need to find a suitable, wealthy girl to marry. But what if I'm gay? What if I don't want to marry? I also need to take Appas place when he retires. Why? What if I don't want the job? What if I want to live my own life? I didn't notice I was crying before I felt something wet fall onto my thigh. It was a tear. I touched my tear stained, cold cheek. I looked up and saw a man about maybe a year or two younger then me sitting on the rail on the bridge. He looked like he was crying. The man looked around, and I saw his face. That's when I recognized him. It was the loner of the school, Kim Namjoon. Namjoon stood up and looked like he was about to jump when I got up and rushed over there. Before he jumped I grabbed his hand. Namjoon looked at me, startled. "Don't jump, please." I beg. Namjoon looks at me with no expression. "Why not?" he questioned. "Because somebody out there suffer." "Why?" "Because they love you."


Again, I awake to the blank white walls of my room in this damned torture asylum created by none other then Satan himself. I sigh. Why did I have to end up here? Because your a monster~! Great. The voice is back.Yep! I'm back! Missed me didn't you~? "Not in the slightest." Your mean. But then I'm calling myself mean.. So.. U-Uhmm... "Exactly." H-Hey!  Don't be mean! "Uh-huh." hmph! Meanie. Well. That's what monsters do. Be mean and scare people. "I don't scare people, they just don't understand me." riighht. OK. Cool. I sigh. I hate this stupid voice. You just technically said you hated yourself! "I do." I hear a knock on my door, and I snap my head to look in the direction of the door. I see a mint haired man enter. He had thick black glasses and was wearing normal clothes. Was he a visitor? I have no visitors. "hello, Park Jimin. I am your new doctor. The name is Min Yoongi." He smiles. I glare at him suspiciously. Don't trust him too easily, m8. He seems different. No shit Sherlock.

Yoongi sat down on the bed next to me. I scoot away from him, glaring at him. He just kept smiling. "I understand you don't trust me, but I understand you even more then you do yourself,  OK?" I don't look at him, "How? If I may ask?" I heard the sheets of my bed ruffle a bit before silence. "I have the same condition as you. I'm just.. Cured somehow. " he answers. I look at him and see him looking at his hands. He quickly fixes himself and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his name about a centimeter.  He smiles. I could feel my walls I built around my heart open for him. Don't make me regret this decision, Yoongi. I thought. I sigh, relaxing my tensed up muscles. I always do that when I'm nervous. For once I smiles back at him. Not a fake smile, but a real, genuine, warm smile. It came straight from my heart. Little did I know, I was only opening a door that will be hard to close.

A/N: I gave you guys an extra 150 words. Only because I couldn't find a way to end Jimins POV XD Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I will post the second one as soon as possible. I hope you guys are happy,  healthy, and safe. Bye! ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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