Chapter 9

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I yawned as I trudged along to our next challenge. I kept having nightmares last night which kept me up for most of the night. I got one or two hours of sleep. "You looked dead girl." Leshawna said and ruffled my hair. "You're telling me." I said and leaned against her. We had all finally gotten to the beach, where Chris was waiting.

"This is a challenge that will test your mind, teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen!" He said, making me perk up slightly. "You will all make a three course meal and serve it to me, for tasting. The winners will get a reward, and the losers get to send someone home." He explained. "Each team will appoint a head chef who will pick the theme of the meal and oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients." He said as a truck drove out of the water. How the hell does he do this?

We opened up the doors, revealing all sorts of good food ready to be cooked. I grinned and dove into the truck. "I call head chef!" Heather called out. "As long as you don't burn anything!" I yelled and poked my head out. I picked out a few things that Heather said we would need, and jumped out. I'll let the others get the rest. I was stumbling so the kitchen slightly as I was about to fall. I yelped and closed my eyes, only to be caught by someone. "You okay V?" A voice said. I looked up to see the kind eyes of DJ. "Hey dude!" I said as he helped me stand.

I thanked him as the two of us started our walk. We mostly talked about our homelife and how we were at school. Turns out we had quite a bit in common. "I even got a pet bunny out of this whole place!" DJ said, making me laugh softly. "You're too cute." What I had said caused him to blush horribly. "Am not!" He said, making the two of us laugh. What I didn't see was the glare Duncan gave the two of us. Which worsened when DJ put his hand on my back to keep me from falling.


I made it back down to the kitchen, where I saw Courtney and Duncan working together. I growled, but perked up when DJ ruffled my hair. "See ya V!" He said and walked off. "Later DJ!" I said with a smile. I was put on duty to help Owen and Trent with the ribs. Hopefully my dad taught me well. For the moment, it was just me and Trent. Due to Owen destroying all our oranges.

While Owen was away, I let Gwen take my place so that she could be alone and work with Trent. Which she thanked me so much for. After awhile of me working on the flambe, Owen had returned. He was covered in bee stings., but he was smiling. "Don't worry guys! I got it." He said and looked to Trent. "Catch dude!" And then proceeded to chuck a whole crate or oranges at the boy. I winced as I saw him get hit and fall to the ground. "That's gonna leave a mark." I muttered as I took control over the ribs again.

I groaned when I heard those two bicker again. As soon as I was gonna yell at them, I gasped at Harold. "Put some pants on!" I yelled out and covered my eyes quickly. Duncan laughed at my attempt to shield my eyes from the horror. I guess this is what DJ meant by punishing Harold.

I sighed as I stood next to Gwen and Lindsey. My ribs were cooking, it'll just take awhile. Heather had to come help the two with the flambe. "Step one, put the flambe starter on the flambe, which you managed to do." She said. Smartass. "Step two, of the two steps. You light the flambe." She said and held a lighter up to it. Once she lit it, it exploded.

I stared at her, but then ended up laughing my ass off. "Nice going head chef!" I laughed out, tears nearly spilling from my eyes. She quickly grabbed a pan, showing that her eyebrows were missing. She screamed and called out for Owen. "Is it time to eat?" He asked and smiled. "Go get my makeup bag!" Heather yelled. "But... the bees-" He was cut off by her waving a pan in his face. "Now!" She screamed, making him sprint off.

"I swear it's like I'm on a team of idiots." She said and banged her head on the table, making Leshawna and I growl. Oh that is it! Once Owen came back, he threw the bag at Heather. Only to have her get pushed out of the way by Leshawna. "Give that here!" She yelled out, making me smirk. "V!" Leshawna yelled and threw it at me. I caught it easily and smirked as she ran over. "Gwen!" I called out and threw it at her. To where she threw it to Beth, and she to Lindsey. Heather nearly got her bag back, but Lindsey took our side and threw it in the freezer. "Good riddance." I said with a smirk.

I smiled as I took a small sample of my ribs. "Good to go guys!" I said and smiled. "Great! Owen, stay here and bring out the food when we say." Leshawna said as we all walked out. Chris had finished their food, giving them a nice score. I glared when Duncan put a hand on Courtney's shoulder. "Gophers, your turn." Chris said. I smiled and waited. Owen didn't appear. I frowned and went in. I gasped as I saw the ribs were eaten and Owen shaking under the table.

Everyone outside had jumped in fear when they heard Violet scream in anger. "I can't believe you ate all the ribs!" There were a few bangs before he was kicked out into the dining hall. He straightened up and bought the rack of now bones to Chris. Which was a fail. Next was desert. He nearly died from it.

I groaned when he told us we lost. "Oh no! Heather!" Lindsey yelled out and went to free her. Great, just great.


We all voted for Beth after she had costed us all of our previous loses. We found that out when We saw that she had a cursed item from Boney Island..

I sighed as I walked back. I went into the woods and for him to appear. He smiled brightly an tackled me to a hug. I yelped and went to protest, until he started to kiss me roughly. I whined in protest, making him pull away. "Mine." He growled out and clung onto me. I blushed and laughed. "Maybe." I said, making him growl more and pin me against a tree.

"Y-Yours!" I squeaked out, making him smirk. "Good. Cause I don't like sharing." He said and held me close. I thought about what happened. "... Were you jealous of someone?" I asked. He huffed and looked away. "As if..." He mumbled. I smirked and nuzzled into his neck. "Idiot." I muttered, making him smile softly.

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