Chapter 1: It was Supposed to be a Normal Evening Jog

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Reyna Cruz ended her day as she did every day.

A peaceful evening jog around the local park through the woods and out from behind the 7-11. My headphones blasted electronic music, heart pounding to the beat. Sweat beaded my forehead, strands of black hair platted to my sticky skin. Her calves burned from running, the evening sky fading from the soft hues of orange and pink to a darker shade of purple and blue.

She stopped, resting against the back of the 7-11, hands on her knees as she breathed deeply. She pulled out the earbuds from her ears allowing the eerie sounds of the night to play for her instead. She smiled weakly before standing up, stretching her arms a bit before wrapping her earbuds around her phone. It didn't ring or vibrate while in her fanny pack so she assumed her parents knew that she was fine.

She walked out from the side of the 7-11 before walking in, the bell above the door making a soft ring as she entered. Yellow light flickered as it shone down on the aisles of food and drinks throughout the store. She looked over to the cashier where Jacob a former student she remembered was slouching on the counter.

"Oh you're back," He said, not bothering to look up from the phone in his hand. Reyna laughed softly, as this was their usual contrast. Jacob pretending he hated and didn't know Reyna and her shrugging off whatever he said. She walked towards the back of the store, her footsteps echoing in the small store. She hummed along the catchy yet annoying pop song blasting on the intercom and opened one of the fridges in the back grabbing a bottle of water and on the way back a bag of snacks.

She placed the items on the counter, pulling out a ten dollar bill from her fanny pack. She gave Jacob a charming smile, him quickly avoiding her eyes like she was the plague. She leaned on the counter as he counted her change, brown hair curtailing his dark brown iris. She remembered how back in freshman year she was totally smitten, head over heals for him like a lovesick dog. Sometimes it was hard just to look at him, reminded her of freshman years where she was a hopeless teenager trying to fit in and combat puberty.

"Be careful out there," Jacob said passing her the bag. She gave him a strange look, pushing away a strand of black hair from her face.

"Okay?" She laughed before exiting the store, not missing the grim look on his face. Outside it had turned completely to night, the soft light from the street lamps lit the road. As she turned the corner she could hear the distant sound of people arguing. She ignored it and was about to slip in her earbuds when she heard a gunshot. It all happened so fast, her phone dropping out of her hand, the sound of a body hitting the ground, the inaudible scream forcing its way up her throat, and two people walking out from behind the corner.

She was frozen, eyes locked onto the large figures that had stepped out from the alleyway. In the dim light of the street lamps, she noticed the shiny silver gun in one of the men's hand. She had seen guns multiple times in action movies she watched with her parents but seeing one in real life only turned her blood cold. She could just barely make out their faces, dark clothes allowing them to blend with the night.

She had dropped the bag in her hand and raised her hands up in a surrender. She had heard and seen a lot about gang members but she never thought she'd be in their presence.

"Why don't you come over here sweetheart," One of them said with a voice so deep and silky, yet laced with something lethal. She was so frozen it took her minutes to fully comprehend what he had said. Her heart pounded faster than it did while running. She prayed that she would make it out alive, that she would be able to see her parents and eat dinner with them. And for once actually hoped to be able to go to school tomorrow the next day. Only the most dire situations would ever make her wish that.

The Gang leader Kidnapped Me and don't worry I won't fall in love with himWhere stories live. Discover now