The Caramelldansen

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Alfred started rummaging through his suitcase. "So I brought some anime, figuring it would be better if you knew at least one before enduring an entire weekend of it," he said. He pulled out a colourful DVD case, twirling it expertly between his fingers.

Arthur took the box from him. "Believe it or not, I seem to remember watching this before." Pokémon, the box said. "Though I don't remember when or why."

"In that case…" Alfred took the box back from him. "Let's try this one." He handed him an even more colourful box. "I don't think you've heard of this."

He stared at the orange bubble letters. "Axis Powers Hetalia?" he said. "What's it about?"

"Just put it in the player."

Arthur did as he was told, switching on the TV. Alfred sat on the bed and Arthur squeezed beside him as best he could. They had to lean on each other for support. Alfred took the TV remote in his hand. "Prepare to have your mind blown," he said, holding his finger over it.

"Really now, I don't think it could be that amazing."

"Oh, not that it's amazing. You'll know what I mean after seeing it." He navigated through the menu and hit the 'play all' button. Arthur jumped, hearing the way the guy on the screen spoke.

"Dude, I think the world conference can convene, solving all of today's problems by talking excessively!"

Arthur grabbed the remote and paused the video. "Now that's just freaky," he said. He looked from Alfred, to the guy on the screen, and back to Alfred. "He looks and sounds exactly like you."

Alfred laughed and grabbed the remote back. "You ain't seen nothing yet." Alfred continued the video. America spoke for a while longer. Then another blond-haired character showed up.

"There's no way some stupid hero could stop global warming-"

The Brit on the screen was cut off by Alfred hitting the remote. The Brit on the bed sat staring dumbfounded at the messy-haired, huge-eyebrowed, and tea-drinking animated character. "He's…"

Alfred sighed. "England," he said, leaning his head on Arthur's shoulder and staring dreamily at the screen. "I could stare at him aaaaaaaaall day."

Arthur barely heard him. He was still busy observing the TV, matching the screen Brit's features to his own. Green eyes. Messy blond hair. Accent. And the eyebrows…the exact same huge, bushy eyebrows.

"Hello? Arthur?" Alfred was trying to get his attention. "Did you hear my question?"


"I was asking you what you thought of him."

"That guy?" Arthur pointed to the screen.


Arthur managed a small laugh. "You're right. My mind is blown," he said.

Alfred sighed. "I think I'm in love," he said.

Arthur nodded, then what the American had said cued in. He jumped slightly. "With who? A fictional character!"

Alfred grinned sheepishly. "Yup."

Arthur stared at him. He felt a slow blush creeping up his face and turned away.

Alfred tried to look at his face. "What?" he said, smiling.

"It's nothing."

Alfred poked at Arthur's cheek. "No it's not," he teased. "You're blushing."

Arthur turned back. The blush seemed to have passed. "I said it's nothing!"

"Come on Arty," he said. "Tell meee." He kept poking at his cheek.

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