Quidditch Training - Oliver Wood X Fem! Gryffindor! Chaser! Reader {Pt 1}

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Art Credit: Atalienart on Tumblr



Cried Katie Bell, Gryffindor Chaser,  to the twins above as she narrowly dodged a Bludger to the temple as well as missing a pass from Angelina Johnson. In the distance, Oliver Wood, our once - hopeful captain sighing in disbelief. 

I would growl to myself in frustration as I quickly dip my Comet Two Sixty, feeling my knuckles close tighter and tighter around the handle of the broom as I keep my eyes on  the Quaffle. Immediately I would feel my eyes begin to water as my broomstick climbed in speed as well as closer and closer to the Quidditch Pitch field. 

As I was just about to hit the lush, grassy terrain I pull up just in time, noticing two familiar shadows hovering close above. I grin as the sun shone on my nape, the wind thrashing around my H/C, H/L locks. " Katie, you go far southeast, Angelina, you flank me! " I insisted as I lunged my broom faster forward still, determined to catch the Quaffle before it hit the ground. I would quickly turn around to roughly about where I saw the crimson ball, squinting my eyes in the bright sunshine. 

The Quaffle would be plummeting down to me where I sat on my broom, at a rather alarming speed. " How far did you guys drop this bloody thing?! " I cry out to Angelica before catching it, passing it to her. " I didn't think i'd fall so far at such a high speed! " Angelica replied, signalling to follow as we pelted up back into the sky, both of us a streak of gold, ruby and S/C.

" Enough friendly chat! " Katie would snap per usual as she caught the Quaffle, us following her in a harmony of speeding bullets as two certain Weasleys followed, clearing a Bludger that nearly crushed it's way into Angelica's lower back. Angelica would start to lag behind and pass to Katie, before passing to me. I would grin as I raced forwards to our Captain, who was posing as a Slytherin Keeper for the practice. 

Oliver Wood would smirk and furrow his lightly - roasted chestnut eyebrows in concentration as I approached, ready to dodge my goal when-

" LOOK OUT Y/N!! " 

Screamed the team, even Harry Potter looking down in concern, pausing his hunt for the snitch. My gaze would grow wide in fear as I  hear a Bludger soar into me, George followed behind with a Cleansweep Five that was just not quite quick enough before it would smash into me, square in the chest. The Bludger would cast me off my broom before the beautiful Sautrday afternoon world around me would cast into a darkness and ringing.


My gaze would widen in fear and surprise as I watched the teammate that had only been just in front of me heartbeats before started plummeting to the Earth, my heart racing. The fragile sense of time itself would even slow itself as I felt myself intensely grip my broomstick as I dip down for Y/N, closely followed by Angelica and Katie, even Harry pulling his attention from the golden orb to help.

As the chaser began to fall back down to the Earth I began to appreciate her features more and more. The way her skin reflected the golden sun glare off her tears, how her H/L H/C fell around her cheeks, and how she herself found herself so imperfect and criticized herself for it yet she was so beautifully simple. 

Y/N L/N was no perfect unicorn mare that needed protection, more of a Hyppogriff ready to take her wings and soar, happy for any company along her vast journey.

I push away those silly thoughts  and grip the handle of my broomstick. The life of her was more important than contemplating about her. 

No use if she's dead.

I dip down into the air quickly, reaching my arms for my Chaser, the weight of the sudden of another human nearly sends me off my broom. I feel Angelica's hand on my shoulder. " Oliver, let me take her. " I turn to see her with her arms out gently, a kind, simple smile on her face. Hesitating, I oblige and gently set Y/N in her arms. " Thanks Angelica, take her to the ground-- " I rub my hands together before flinching.

" Oliver! " Of course Katie was going to hound on me. Instead, she hesitates. " Are you alright? " " Am I what?-- "  She stubbornly grabs my wrists and pulls them to my attention. " Are you alright? " She repeated herself sternly. 

My palms were bruised and decorated with multiple red and pink lines developed from gripping my broomstick too hard. I squeeze my palms and beads of blood started to swell, blood starting to trickle down my hands. 

" You need to go see Madam Pomfrey about that, Oliver. " Katie sternly replies, seeing my stained palms. " Katie I'm fine, I promise. " We both land onto the field, the smaller figure rushing me to my feet. " Katie, I said i'm fine. " I insist, gently shooing her away. My fist is tightly gripped to my Quidditch cape, the black material slowly turning red. Angelica gets off her knees and pulls me into a gentle hug. " We'll take care of her, Oliver. " She pulls back and looks into my eyes at level. " You need to go to the hospital wing, now. " 

" Yeah yeah, I'll go, I'll go. " I start to slowly nod, quickly turning to walk off to the hospital. " Wait! " " What now-- " I turn on my heel to see Harry himself running down to me. " What, Potter? " The shorter golden boy with unruly black hair wind - gusted. " A-Are you even going to at least cover it? " Rolling my wrists and trying not to flinch, I furrow my brow. " We don't exactly have a clean cloth, Harry. I don't think you've noticed. " The Seeker would sigh before grabbing my hand, and unclasping my hand guard. " Stop trying to look so tough in front of all of us. " Potter is visibly annoyed. 

" Potter, I'll take care of it. " Everyone fussing over me was starting to get on my nerves. With a glare and angry sigh Potter finally turned and jogged back to the group. They were currently making a makeshift stretcher for Y/N. 

I rub my shoulder before exiting the Quidditch Pitch and crossed the footbridge. 

Please let Y/N be alright, I thought. please let her be okay.


Sorry this was a two-timer! It was getting longer than I liked and I was feeling stressed, so here you go!

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