chapter 4

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I came down the stairs to see Sam and kian eating my food like really " can some one get me Starbucks " I said " yeah  I will go " Sam said " OK then strawberry and cream frappé please " " he looked at me " OK I know what kian wants see you in 20  " he left then it was just me at kian we sat in silence for a bit  " you good at cards " I asked " yeah go fish " he asked " yeah " we played for a bit  then Sam came back with our drink " strawberry frappé " he gave me my drink " thanks " I said I ruffled his hair  he punch me in the arm I seen kian give him a look what was going on in their heads I wondered  " she looks so perfect stand there in my American apparel underwear I know now that I am so down " I sang  " I love that song  " Sam said " yo let's make a video and post it on o2l  " kian yelled from the kitchen "yeah I have never been on YouTube and I have always wanted to start " I yelled back " great I will go get the camera  and JC to help us go put some thing pretty on " kian  left " umm OK I guess be back in a few " Sam gave  me a grin  I ran up stairs  found some thing cute to wear  a white strapless dress with my  blue jean jacket and my black sandals sweeped  a little makeup on then let my hair down from my messy bun  then looked in the mirror  Not bad for a quick job I thought  then went down  to see kian ,JC and Sam waiting for me  they just stared at me " OK is there some thing wrong " I asked  " nothing  you look beautiful that all " kian smiled I smiled back " let's shot this  thing  " Sam yelled " OK kian start with Sammie put your arm around her  and Sammie look at him like your crushing really bad "  JC said   that was the line  crushing really bad because I was on kian and a bit on Sam  but I kept it low profile I've only known them for a few weeks now  " OK " I tried not to giggle but it was hard I am usually not like this I am usually a tom boy tough girl who doesn't care but for  the first time in my life I have care about some one  " OK let's start " JC yelled  then we started Sam sang the lyrics then at some point of the video I was with him then kian sang the lyrics  and I stayed with Sam like I was supposed to do by the end of the video I walked off with Sam  he kissed me on the cheek  " OK and were done we can edit it later "JC yelled me and Sam were still walking with out even knowing it we walk to the park  I sat down on a swing a Sam started to push me " Sam what are you doing " I snapped " I was just giving you a push" he smiled " fine your allowed to push me " I smiled back  I flapped my hair out of my face " well someone is getting sassy " he  laughed  " I am not use to having my hair down  I usually wear it up " I laughed " well girl don't go to sassy on me OK boo"we both laughed people just gave us weird looks " Sam I thought I was weird " I said between laughs  " I am a YouTuber what you expect  " he laughed even harder  " we better head back the guys are probably looking for us " he said " fine " he grabbed my hand and we walked back we walk in the house and there is a full on prank war  " Sam grab the camera and vlog this shit " I snapped so he grabs the camera   a lot happen then it was all over and get this Rickey had green hair " what the hell  who did that I want them to be on my team " I said they gave me a look " I did before we left "  Sam laughed I gave him props  " wait you did this " Rickey yelled  " yeah take her not me " he said pushing me in front of him " you haven't seen what I can do you don't know my power " I stood on the chair next to me  they all laughed except Rickey he just looked mad  he walked to his room and slammed the. door " well some one is not a happy meal"  Connor laughed  " yo put on some music " I yelled at them I don't know why I yelled wishbone ran away from me  we danced and played games kian spun me around  he pick me up  " kian what the hell are you doing " I asked " I was picking you up so you can see the stars if that's OK "  he picked up and put me on his shoulders I looked up at the stars "there so beautiful "  I said " not as beautiful as you " he looked in my eyes  I seen Sam looking at us from his bedroom he was not happy I could tell  he bit his lip and kept running his hand through his hair  what he did when he was nervous  I looked at my arm that time I tried to cut my self but then Alex came running to stop me  she was such a good friend then she left I felt tears at the corners of my eyes  I looked at the bracelet she made me the first day we met  7th grade  it was rainbow with a little bead with a s on it  soon kian put me down  " what's wrong " he asked  " nothing I am fine " I lied  " I know your not tell me " he pulled me in for a hug  " I don't feel right I miss Alex but she probably hates my guts  she how do I say this saved me I can't repay her " I cried  Sam came down  he knew when I cried it was the shit I never cry once before  when Rickey called me a bitch and then now  " princess don't cry " kian took me in the house sat me down on the couch Sam was already there rubbing my back " tell us what's up " he said I looked at them " well when I got bullied Alex use to try to calm me down one day I couldn't take it so I try to cut my self but then she ran in took the knife from me and told me I was too good for cutting myself that she needed me and that's not true because she left" I cried Sam and kian looked at my  arm  then at my bracelet  " let me guess she made this for you " they asked " yes "I whispered  " stay here for the night please " they asked  " yes can we watch a movie please " I asked " sure " kian said

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