juice box

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"what's your favorite color?" this boy next to me asked. "mine's purple." I looked at him and blinked. "favorite color?" I asked. "really?" he shrugged. "when people first meet each other don't they usually ask the common questions like that?" he questioned. I hummed and shrugged. "so what is it?" he pressed. "favorite color. I want to know."
"black," I replied.
"ain't a color," he countered. "it's a shade."
"artists use it as a color," I pointed out. "scientist consider it an absence of color." the boy raised his eyebrows. "I'm Louis," he said extending his hand. I grasped it and shook. "I'm Jethro," I said nodding to him. "pleasure to meet you." we both broke the handshake and leaned back in our seats. "have they given you your dorm assignment yet?" Louis asked glancing at me. First day on the college campus. Tours, orientation, and moving in was included. "Nah," I sighed. "I think they give those out after this whole thing."
"damn I was hoping to skill it and just go unpack."
"that would be too easy," I said smirking. "besides if we all have to hear the student to staff ratio a thousand times you do too." he chuckled and looked around. "you going to join any of the 25 fantastic clubs?" he asked in a sarcastic tone.
"pfft," u laughed. "that would entail a lot more socializing than I would prefer."
"hey you're talking to me aren't you?" Louis said looking at me. I shrugged and smiled. He was nice. We spent the whole orientation together. He was funny too. And smart. Knew a lot about the school and when we started discussing classes, he was very passionate about his guitar class he would be taking. Knows a lot about guitar and singing and music in general. And animals. Very excited about animals. It was really cute watching him get all excited. Alright so here's some background about me really quickly. I'm Jethro. A pleasure to meet you. I'm 19 years of age, a freshman at my local university. I'm going to have student loan debt for a long time too. Fun. Anyway, in case you didn't know, I'm gay. Well sort of. In bisexual but lean more towards guys. And well uh...specifically Louis. That may seem weird considering we just met but if you could see his brown eyes and floppy hair, you'd feel the same. He has this smile that just lights up the room. And he's tall. A bit taller than me and he looks really good in his purple jacket with yellow trimming. I found myself zoning out during the tour. Louis grabbed my arm and yanked me, literally, out of my trance. "keep up man," he chuckled. I started walking again. Blinking the trance from my eyes. "you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "tired," I claimed. He hummed and I managed to grab a glance at his profile. Now listen to me when I say this. He's hot. Like oof hot. Damn. I swallowed as we walked. Then finally we got our dorm rooms. We didn't get the same one and part of me was disappointed but I hid it. We walked together to find the dorms and discovered they were across the hall from each other. I laughed and unlocked my door. My roommate wasn't there yet but louis' was. I looked over and saw a guy sitting on one of the beds. Louis introduced himself and shook the man's hand. And this man was...well...let's just say that suddenly I felt like I didn't have a chance. If Louis was gay that is. I frowned and tossed my bags onto one of the empty beds. "Jethro," Louis said and I looked over. "This is Jeremy. Jeremy this is Jethro." Jeremy smirked and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you man," he said. "I guess we're neighbors." I nodded and shook his hand. "Alright well great to meet you guys I'm going to go get some food in the mess hall," Jeremy said. "See you later though. Bye Louis." Louis waved. Jeremy left and I felt a bit better. I shouldn't feel this way. Not after only knowing Louis for a couple hours. "He's kind of hot," Louis said turning to go him dorm. I straightened. "What?" I asked.
"Oh," he said turning to me. "I uh...I should probably mention this. I'm gay. I hope that isn't an issue or anything because-"
"Nonono!" I said smiling involuntarily. "Not a big deal! Not at all. Actually I'm bi so you're welcome here haha." He smiled back. "Great!" He said chuckling. "That's awesome. I was worried for a second there." I chuckled awkwardly then moved to my bag. Something inside me was doing a little happy dance. He was gay!


We hung out after we both unpacked. Playing video games in his dorm. Both of us getting super into it because we both are actually really competitive. "Woah guys," Jeremy chuckled coming inside. "I could hear you before I opened the door!"
"Yeah well that's just because he's fighting for his life," Louis said going after my character. I quickly dove out of the way. Jeremy had distracted me. I clenched my jaw and fought louis' character. "So there's going to be a party in one of the dorms down the hall," jeremy said. "Louis I was thinking we should go. You know as roommates." My chest clenched. "Uh yeah sure," he said smiling. "Jethro when your roommate gets here you should join us."
"Yeah," I said focusing on the game. But I was getting agitated. Jeremy was talking to Louis and I suddenly felt like a third wheel. And I lost the round. "Damn," I laughed looking at Louis. He smiled and punched my shoulder lightly. God he was attractive. "Speaking of my roommate I should see if they're here," I said putting the controller down. Louis nodded. I ducked across the hall and looked inside my dorm. There was another person there. And they startled me. There, sitting on the opposite bed, was a bit dressed in all black with long dark hair and smoked out eyeliner. A stereotypical goth kid. I scanned them as they stared into my soul. "Uh hey," I said coming inside. "I'm Jethro you're roommate. And you are?" I walked over and extended my hand. They just stared at my face making me uncomfortable. I lowered my hand after they didn't answer. "Ooook," I said softly.
"Jethro!" Louis called. "Jeremy and I are heading out. See you later!"
"Ok!" I called looking towards the door. I sighed then sat on my bed. My roommate was now reading. I rubbed my jaw and looked at my feet. I decided I would go to the party alone. Like a lameass but hey maybe I'd meet someone to sleep with and forget exists. When I got to the party, everyone was already drunk. I checked my watch. The party started like 10 minutes ago. People were stumbling around and making out with each other. The music was loud as fuck. I walked to the "bar" otherwise known as a shitty table covered in booze and cups and grabbed a beer. Everyone around me was also underage so I didn't care what happened. I took a swig of the drink. A slight burn of alcohol in the back of my throat. It was disgusting. I forced myself to swallow it though and looked around. And I saw Louis. Jeremy really close to him with a smirk on his face. And Louis was blushing. I felt a pang in my stomach. Jeremy cupped his chin and raised his face up to meet his lips. Louis gladly complied. I shouldn't feel feel the way I do. I shouldn't. I just met Louis today. So did Jeremy. It was fair play and Jeremy...Jeremy now.... I turned to the table and poured tequila into a cup. I quickly knocked it back and cringed at the firefly burn. I looked at the bottle. A peppery sourness creeped over my mouth and my back teeth tingled. I poured another shot and downed it quickly. The burn came back and hurt even more. I looked and saw them still kissing. I blinked away tears of pain and quickly tried to leave. The alcohol warmed my system and I stumbled out. I hit the wall and leaned against it. Trying to breathe. The world spun and became fuzzy. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. "Hey!" Louis laughed coming out into the hallway. "Jethro! You're here!" I looked over and saw a blurry Louis and an equally blurry Jeremy. "Hey hey guess what?" Louis giggled. "Jeremy and I are together now." Jeremy put his arm around Louis' shoulder. And I felt angry. I smiled. "That's cool," I chuckled. "I am very drunk. I'm going to bed. I'll see you later." I think I said that. Louis giggled and leaned against Jeremy. I stumble down the hall. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I crash into my dorm and fall onto my bed. "You're drunk," my roommate said. I grunted and curled up onto my bed. Agony in my chest.

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