4 am

7 0 0

Its 4 am

Can't sleep

To much on my head

The failures

The lost loves

The heart breaks

How every thought I have

Is a step closer to my battle

Every breathe is my war

I think about it

I realize that I'm not winning

The pain took over

The same pain that once have me strength

Was the Same pain that was giving me this weak feeling

Cut/ hurt/ end

All those thoughts that I feel might help

By If I cut no one will notice

If I hurt I'll slowly be going

If I end will anyone remember

No they won't

But if they do?

Will I make them do the same thing?

Will they be up at 4am and ask why

Will they know How It feels

Or do they already know

Have they been through this already or are they going through it?

No one will ever know

But at least I'll feel

Like I'm not the only one at 4 am

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