ASEANs in School

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-As students in school
Indo: The lazy-but-smart kid
Malay: The other lazy-but-smart kid
Singa: The rich kid
Brun: The kid no one remembers
Thai: The kid who lies to teachers to save everyone
Viet: The stoic and smart kid
Phil: The kid who is nice in front of teachers but is actually heavy metal
Myan: The kid who pisses off mean teachers
Laos: The always-hungry-but-smart kid
Cam: The kid in the back that only some know
Timor and PNG: The two young kids that everybody thinks are annoying
Suri: The kid who distributes snacks in reccess
Mada: The cousin of the lazy smart kids
-In groups
Genius 4: Viet, Indo, Malay, Laos
Brothers-in-Law Trio: Indon, PNG, Suri
Future Spouses: Timor, PNG
Random Trio: Laos, Myan, Cam
Why Are We Here( WAWH) Club: Nepal, Phil, Bhutan, Tibet
Good FoodTrio( It was GBT but I thought Good Food Trio sounded better)/ MaPhilIndo
China's Adoptive Siblings: ASEAN 10
ASEAN 10: Uh, the name explains it all...
Younger Kid Trio: Wy, Tim, PNG
Rendang Club: SingaIndoMaBrun
Magic family: Indo( because of dukuns aka shamans), Romania, England, Malay( because of ghosts)
Malay 5: The original malays of ASEAN
Cute But Deadly( CBD) Trio: Liech, Belarus, Tim( Indo taught her how to use a keris and bambu runcing when she was Indo's province)
Ignored Country Club: Canada, Indo( hardly anyone knows anything about us except for Bali)
Former Empire Club: PhilIndo

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