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"Being Ignored breaks my heart Especially when it's just supposed to be only ME"


I've noticed lately that no matter how hard Chanyeol wants to talk with Nayeon. She didn't respond, even one word.

I blame myself for involving him to this problem.Not just only him but also the other members who are being ignored and avoided by their pairs.

I was walking across the hall of the luxury when I heard Sana's Voice.It was never my right to eavesdrop but I wanna know who she's talking with.

"Yes Unnie. We are very disappointed by his attitude yesterday. That's why we don't wanna talk to him"

"...... "

"Really? I didn't know.. Maybe they are, Since this morning I only go out at our room.When I need something. They really ignore them?"

"...... "

"I thought we are only gonna ignore Suho Oppa"..

"....... "

"Momo Told You?"

"........ "

"Well It's his fault that he didn't control his temper"

"....... "

"Jisoo Unnie, is Taehyung Oppa never gonna Court you?"..

"...... "

"Well I hope it would happen. So that Suho Oppa will stop. I felt pity Upon him"

"...... "

"Well yeah! But I'm not the one he has a fault on. It's Jihyo"...

"....... "

"Arasseo Jisoo Unnie"

".... "


So Sana is talking with Jisoo over the phone? Or Video Call?

I heard the door is cracking so I Step back thinking to go away but then I am late. She caught me.

Then we stared at each other.


"Are you-".. I was cut off when she answered it directly.

"Yes I am".. she said with serious face.

"Can I just say......."

"Say what?".. she strictly asked.

"Please. I'm sorry. Please. Accept my Apology"... I begged. I even kneeled

And by that Sana's face became soft.She pulled me up.

"You don't need to Apologize from me... Oppa"... she said

"Say sorry to Jihyo Unnie"... Then she smiled.

"Do you think she will forgive me?".. I asked

"Not Unless you are delivering with all your heart. Don't worry, she will forgive you".... She answered

"Thank You Sana"... I thanked as she nodded as a respond.

Just then Chen passed by that's why I called him.

"Chen"... he turned his head to me but what breaks my heart was when he turned his head back to wear he was looking just like that. The only thing that made me think was that he is "Avoiding Me"..

I chased to where he is heading until he stops.He turned to me with a pissed look.

"Would you stop following me.I don't have a time to talk to you.You're the reason why they ignore us since early in the morning"...he said

"Sana told me that it's supposed to be only me.You must never be involved,and I'm sorry for my behavior. I mean it"...I said with pleading eyes that made his features soft.

"It's okay.Just don't do it again"...He said and we hugged.

"I hope L-Once forgive us too"..I responded.

Chanyeol's Point Of View

We where sitting in the living room couch.

"I don't feel comfortable at all"... Xiumin stated.

We saw Sana heading to the kitchen and she came back with a chips on her hand as she sit next to her partner.

"Hey!".. she smiled which I found weird.

I raised my left hand to her as she gazed to me and found it weird.

"Oh! You must be wondering".. she stated.

"Suho Oppa, apologized to me and I don't ignore everyone. I just ignore the one who made mistake.But if they apologize I would forgive them".. She said.

"So how was it being avoided by a partner?".. She asked

"Uncomfortable".. Xiumin.

"Quite".. Kai said

"New".. Lay added

"Missed".. the last who answered is Sehun.

Sana made an 'O' shape while nodding.

"Can you tell us what to do?"... Asked Xiumin.

"Hmmm.. If you wanna Apologize, Nayeon Unnie wants a stuff toy. Momo Unnie needs an earphones.Jeongyeon Unnie just want you to make her laugh. Jihyo-ssi? Hmmm I don't know.. Mina just want you to be sweet with her. Dahyun just want a tofu. Chaeyoung just want you to carry her like a horse back riding. And lastly Tzuyu, hmmm she's just simple.. she just want you to say sorry.. That's all".. she smiled after she suggested those.

"Suho.... ".. I mummbled.

"It's hard to think what Jihyo wants".. Lay added

"That's why we need to help".. Chen appeared with Suho.

"Exo.. Our leader already suffered enough for us. So it's time for us to help him. Remember what our goal is.... We Are One"... Chen said with inspire.

"I have something to say.. ".. Suho added

"I'm sorry for my behavior. I'm sorry I didn't control my temper. And It's so hard for me to think that, the person who loves me whom I didn't notice because of the girl I want. I want Jisoo, but I need Jihyo. What I need is what I want, and Jihyo is there to fill it. Thank You Guys..".. He said and we group hugged.

"Ehemm.. ".. we were distructed by Sana who's eating chips.

"Wants some chips everybody? After this i can help you settle".. she said with a cute Voice which made Baekhyun pinch her nose.

To Be Continued

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