Dear two-hundred,
I hadn't realized how close we are coming to the end of this time. That is if you consider one hundred and sixty-five days a short time. Which when I think about seems slightly stupid. Time is such a strange thing. It either flies by or hardly moves at all.
Pardon me if none of this makes sense. I've been awake for twenty-six hours straight now and things are starting to become blurred and complex.
I was just thinking how easily I fail to meet the goals I set for myself. Every time I set a goal I come within feet of it and blow the entire process out the window. With one food, one word, one cut; I ruin everything. I have no idea why I can't just get something right.
I hope to see the sunrise this morning. If I catch it I'll put a picture in my next entry. I haven't watched the sunrise since last August. I think it's one of those things everyone needs to witness every few months. It feels tiresome yet so enlightening and open. I can't wait.
Everything I'm thinking is starting to loose train....