[Chapter 1] Chan

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I am on my way to the mansion of my fiancé. For the first time, my mother isn't accompanying me. When we arrive I step out of the carriage and a maid escorts me inside the mansion. The maid opens the door for me, revealing my fiancé who is having a conversation with his parents. His dark grey suit suits him really well. He isn't wearing a necktie, but that makes him even more handsome. Once the maid opens the door everyone turns around to see me shyly coming in.
"Y/n! You're here!" Chan calls out. He asks his parents if he can be dismissed and they allow him to go. He comes to me and guides me out of the room by gently putting his hand on my back.
"Shall we go for a walk?" Chan asks friendly.
"Sure." I still feel a little awkward because we've met only a few times. I know he's a nice person who I can trust. And nice might be a little underrated. I've never met someone so kind and friendly. He makes me feel at ease, safe. I feel very lucky to be engaged to this man, even though it wasn't out of own will.
He opens the glass door for me and we go into his enormous garden. It's very well maintained and has all sorts of beautiful roses. We walk a path that has been laid out with clay tiles.
"Did you have a nice trip?"
"Yes, I did," I answer sheepishly.
"That's good," he smiles brightly, like he always does. As we walk we pass a slightly darker corner with a big tree. There's something peculiar about this tree. I don't know why, but I feel somewhat attracted to it. Anyway, we keep on walking while he talks about some stuff he did during the day. I'm not really paying attention to what he's saying.
"Y/n, are you okay?" He asks concerned, looking at me.
"Oh, yes I'm fine," I snap out of my thoughts, "just a little tired."
"Are you sure? Is it maybe because you're not so interested in me? It's okay if you don't like me, it is an arranged marriage after all." He suddenly has a pained expression on his face. It takes me aback, I didn't mean to hurt him. I should've paid more attention.
"No no no, certainly not. You're a very nice person. It's true that I still have to get used to this a little, but I'm glad that it's you." Oh shoot! I shouldn't have said that. Why am I always so honest? I hope he won't react weirdly.
"I'm glad to hear that," he actually has a hard time hiding away his smile. After some silent walking a maid calls him to get back to his parents. Chan sighs deeply. "They just don't want to leave me alone, do they?" He says it more to himself. "I deeply apologise, will you be alright walking back alone?"
"Yes, of course."
"Good." He runs back to the mansion. Oof! It was getting a little awkward.

I guess I'll just walk back to the mansion.

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