Why Me?

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Chapter One:

   The screams of pain , the crys for help , the begging of it all to stop. I tossed and turned and jolted awake with sweat and tears falling from my face. How could I let this happen? I should've never ran they were my pack my family. How could I do that? Why us? Why me? I ask myself that question every second of the day. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom turned on the cold water and splashed my face a couple of times. I closed my eyes remembering my mom and dad. A smile spread across my face I remembered my moms dark midnight blue hair her blazing golden brown eyes my dads muscular body but lean his messy brown hair his black eyes I opened my eyes gazing over myself I didn't have almost any of my parents features. Instead of being tall like my parents I was short but kinda tall my hair was a red head shoulder length hair my eyes were a blazing orange I get asked all the time if they were contacts I say "no" they just nod probably thinking I was lying. I'm well built muscular as some say. I guess you could say I was pretty well I think pretty even though I get called a feak behind my back. I just ignore them thats what I have been doing my entire 16 years of ife. I looked at myself for a couple of seconds and walked back to bed.


I slapped my stupid alarm clock off. I sat up in bed thinking positive for once in my life I got out of bed and did the normal routine get a shower put clothes on and eat breakfast. While I was making breakfast I thought about the times mom made breakfast and how she would sing a song while doing so. It made my eyes swell up but then I thought about me being postive and to think on the brighter side. I live in this little town called "Oak Crester" I have a job as a waitress at this cafee about ten blocks from here so its not a long walk. Once I finished breakfast I went and checked the mail box I just moved here about five weeks ago so I'm still geting the hang of the town. I found I had a letter stating since I just moved here and being 16 and a lone wolf I need my education. Which I thought was a bummer to me. This is wake up call to Dylan-rue.

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