Chapter 11 | Stunning

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¡THIS IS NOT MY STORY! The story was make by nyxblack on


"Oh- er- hello, Minister." Newt says in greeting, closing the case.

Hermione shifts awkwardly, unsure what to do.

"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Enquired a man, who Hermione recognized as Momolu Wotorson from the stands.

"No, this is his little brother. And what in the name of Merlin are you doing in New York?" Asked the man Newt identified as the British Minister before Newt could get in a word edgewise.

Oh good. The British are here. Hermione winced at the thought.

Though I don't recognize this minister, he must not have lasted long... An unknown British citizen on international soil, apparently now an accomplice in an assumed crime... Wonderful

She shrank back slightly, edging away from the British envoy, towards Jacob who was still standing stock still, eyes wide. Apparently noticing her retreat from the corner of his eye, Newt stepped forward slightly, blocking both her and Jacob from the man's view. Peeking around Jacob she notices Tina, staring at the trio, a deep frown on her face, taking in their peculiar actions.

"I came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir." Newt replied, the lie clear in his voice.

Hermione's brows crinkled at his response. She never did get around to asking him what he was doing here. There was no doubt in her mind that buying an Appaloosa Puffskein was not the true reason for his visit to New York.

"Right. What are you really doing here?" Asks the suspicious envoy, clearly no more fooled by Newt's answer than Hermione herself.

Her eyes widen in fear as Seraphina Picquery's gaze falls upon her partially hidden form, the formidable woman's lips pulled tight as she turns.

"Goldstein-and who are they?" She demands looking once more to Jacob and Hermione.

"This is Jacob Kowalski, Madam President, he's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures." Tina explains motioning to Jacob.

Furious reactions from the MACUSA employees and dignitaries fill the room.

"No-Maj? Obliviated?" outraged questions meet her confession, the stands filling with whispers.

Jacob looks around the room with fear filled eyes.

"And her?" Madam Picquery demands, her statement silencing the room at once.

"This is Hermione, Mr. Scamander's accomplice-" Tina explains walking over to Hermione, hidden behind Jacob and Newt, grasping Hermione's upper arm in a tight grip, pulling her out from behind Jacob with a gentle but firm tug.

"Ah-No-" Newts begins, stepping towards the two women.

"Hermione who?" The powerful voice of Madam Picquery fills the room once more, her gaze on Hermione, the recipient of her question clear.

"Well you see-" Tina begins.

Her statement is cut short as Madam Picquery holds up her hand, demanding silence.

Hermione takes a breath, mumbling quietly. Newt looks on, eyes wide and concerned. He looks as though he wishes to grab her and Jacob and Disapparate from the room.

Wouldn't work... She thinks shaking her head slightly.

"Just-" She pauses for a moment, thinking her answer through.

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