Chapter 3

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And there we go, not good. I could hear Elena's increase in heart rate as she processed what she had been told.

'Tell me more.' I heard Trevor move into the room that they were in.

'Captivity has made her pushy.' He remarked. Nope that's just her usual disposition. 'Okay, what do you want to know doppelicious.' Oh that's good, I am so using that.

'Who are you running from?' Covered that already Elena, pay attention.

'The Originals.' Duh.

'She said that. What does it mean?' See that's it refine the questions.

'The first family. The old world. Rose and I we pissed them off.' Rose made a disgruntled noise. 'Correction, I pissed them off and Rose had my back and for over half a millenium, they've wanted us dead.' Now we are getting somewhere.

'What did you do?' Tell us, god I wish I had popcorn.

'He made the same mistake countless others did, he trusted Katerina Petrova.' Alice revealed. Oh so it's KitKat's fault, of course it is, I almost feel sorry for Trevor now.

'Katherine.' Yes Elena, do keep up.

'The one and only.' Was that a joke? 'The first Petrova doppelganger.'

'I helped her escape her fate and now I've, sorry, we've been hunted ever since.' Oh Trevor, you screwed up and dragged your friend into it, that's awful.

'Which is why we are not going to make the same mistake again.' They walked out of the room that Elena was standing in. She returned to where I was and sat down when we heard the crinkling of paper, she gave me a confused look and pulled out a ball of paper, unfolding it and showing it to me.

'Stefan and Damon are coming for you-B'.

Elena smiled at me, happy at the thought of a rescue and then crumpled up the note before hiding it. I grinned at the thought of Stefan and Damon road tripping to us and the torture they were undoubtedly putting each other through.

Rose appears with a bag, just as Trevor comes running in. 'He's here.'

A Different Kind Of Wolf-Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now