Chapter 35

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I move to catch Elijah's body as he cries out in pain.

'I've got you Lijah, it's okay.' I gently lower his body to the floor as he desiccates. I look up to Nik with pained eyes. 'Promise me that we'll wake him up again.' I demand.

'Eventually, Love.' He responds. I nod, standing up, and turn to Stefan.

'What's wrong with Damon?' I ask him quickly.

'Tyler bit him.' No. I can't, I refuse to believe that he'll die. I can't even think. Damon has a wolf bite. My head starts to spin and I stumble backwards in shock. Nik quickly steadies me, wrapping a strong arm around my waist.

'Easy there, Little Wolf.' I start shaking my head rapidly.

'He can't, he can't have a bite. Not Damon. He can't die like Rose did, not that way. He can't die, Nik!' I cry out, shaking and he pulls me towards him, soothing me.

'Calm down, Little Wolf, all will be well. I promised he would live remember? I will keep my promise.' He whispers in my ear as I bury my head in his chest. Then so lowly that only I can hear and not the other two vampires. 'I have a cure, but I need to use it to get Stefan to make a deal. Damon will live, I promise you that.' He runs his hand across my back as he speaks, the action calming me further and I nod. He released me but kept one hand on my back, making sure that I was okay.

The two vampires are staring at us in shock but I ignore them. 'So why exactly are you here Stefan?' I ask, playing dumb.

'The witches said that he has a cure.' He turned to Nik. 'Make me a deal. Give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want.' He pleads and Nik smiles. To most it would look like an evil smile but I could tell that it was genuine.

'Well, we'll see about that.' He walks past them, leading me with him to Alaric's kitchen counter. I sit down at one of the bar stools while he pours himself a glass of blood. 'You know, I heard about this bloke, he was always on and off the wagon for decades, at his worst, he wiped out an entire village, until his friend helped him regain control.' Nik continued, and from the look in his eye I could tell that he knew the story from a first hand perspective. 'A true ripper. Sound familiar?'

'I haven't been that way in a very long time.' Stefan spoke quietly, not meeting Nik's eyes.

'Believe me mate, I know but that vampire, the one with that much control over his urges, that's the one I can make a deal with. That's who I want by my side when I leave this town tonight. Well and the Little Wolf of course.' He added turning to me.

'Like I once told Lijah, I love road trips.' I respond with a slight smile.

'Katerina, come here.' He summoned her over, positioning her directly in front of me but facing him. He met my eyes over her shoulder and I knew what he wanted. 'If you would, Little Wolf.' I let my fangs slide out and my eyes glow blue as I leaned forward and sank them into the junction between her shoulder and her neck. I grinned as I pulled back, my mouth coated in blood. I watched as Nik bit into his own wrist and forced KitKat to drink it. Already working out the point in this little show, I wasn't surprised when the bite healed, as though it was never there. 'You want your cure? There it is.' Nik said as he wiped his mouth clean of blood.

'Your blood is the cure.' Stefan pointed out the obvious.

'Got to love mother nature.' I remarked sarcastically, not bothering to clean the blood from my face.

'Now, let's talk you and I.' Nik said to Stefan. He slices his palm with a knife and poured the blood into a glass bottle. 'You want to save your brother and there it is. Now all you have to do to get this is to make a deal with me.' He says, holding up the bottle.

'What do you want from me?' Stefan asks.

'Like I said, I want you to accompany the Little Wolf and I on a road trip. You'll help me in my quest to make hybrids and the only thing I will ask is that you do what I say throughout the course of our trip. This is what you must do in order to save your brother.' Nik tells Stefan who looks wary but nods in agreement anyway.

Nik walks over to Katherine. 'Sweetheart...' He hands her the bottle of his blood. 'Take this over to Damon and come right back.' He compels her.

'You want me to leave?' She questions.

'No.' This was Stefan.

'Yes. And if I were you...' She took off with the blood before he could finish his sentence. 'I'd hurry.' He says to the space where she just was.

'She'll never take it to him.' Stefan says looking devastated.

'Of course she will. She may always choose you Stefan, but a part of her loved Damon, she wouldn't want him to die when she has the cure in her hand and she has nothing to gain from his death.' I point out to him, positive that KitKat would take the cure to Day in time.

A Different Kind Of Wolf-Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now