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Stardom came with camera flashes blinding your way every step you take but never in my grandma Rosita's house, fame ended at her doorstep.

   It was Christmas, the whole house was bubbling with so much merry music, Christmas lights were hung everywhere and glowing with their vibrant colors giving the house a beautiful spark, immediately my nose got assaulted with the aroma that flew around.

My grandma was baking and cooking her many delicious delicacies, mouth watering dishes that left me drooling, my tummy growled announcing its presence.

'Oh Rosita, you've done it again'.

The corridor was empty but I could hear the merriment coming from down the hall, I knew then that the whole family was here.

Tradition was a big part of the family's ritual, celebrating every holiday and festivals together in grandma's Mansion.

Everybody laughing, dancing, the mix of excitement, alcohol and delicious aromas mixed in the air, I could just imagine my sister's smile as Brandon twirled her around, those two were a sight for sore eyes.

I walked down to where all the fun was, not wanting to be left behind, my red  skirt hugging my thighs a step at a time as my heels clunked on the clear tiles.

My eyes glistened as they roamed around the room, everybody was here except mum and dad. It's been five years since their death but I never learnt to move on, everyday I woke up wishing they were here but I knew they were in a better place, but they will forever remain in my heart, I knew they were watching so I tried so hard to make them proud.

"So you've finally arrived, come give Nana a hug".

I ran into my grandma's arms carefully not to push her off balance, she engulfed me in her arms and I felt like I was 10 again and eager to visit Rosita.

"you've been crying my child, I know you still miss them Mari, how many times have I told you, let the dead rest".

"Let the dead rest", we said in unison.

She wiped my eyes clear of any tears and I loved how she was able to read me.

"Merry Christmas Nana Rosita". I gave her a quick kiss on her cheeks.

"Merry Christmas". She gave me a small smile and led me to the middle of the gathering.

"Mariana". They all chorused, rushing to give me a hug well except for uncle Angelias, he was growing older by the day, his sickness taking the life out of his body.

"We've missed you Mariana".

I laughed hard, who knew I was also a star in my family's house. I gave each one kisses then went up to freshen up, getting super excited about trading these heels for nothing other than just my bare feet.

Half way through pulling on a long black dress, my phone rang the tone giving the caller away. Picking it I heard Millie's ear deafening scream.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what Mari".

Yeah, that's my best friend Millie, always cheerful and bubbly.

"You know I'm not good at guessing mill, out with it already".

I tried sounding mean but that cheerful tone was laced with it.

"Oh you, I got listed, I got listed to play the part of Candice, I'm so happy".

I screamed.

Then we screamed, we acted way below our twenties sometimes but we never cared, our childish ways got us even closer.

"I'm so happy for you mill, like isn't it what you wanted?".

I heard an uh uh from the other end and her soft laughter dancing around my ears.

"Well I got more news Mari, guess who also got listed".

The guess game again, I never liked guessing but with Millie guessing is bound to be a constant thing but I  ended up Sucking at it, just spill it out and help a girl already Mill.

Getting my silence as a hint she went ahead to say the "guess who also got listed" part.

"They want you to play the lead role Mari, we're going to be on set together, I can't wait".

Time paused, my head swarmed up with lots of thoughts as Millie's words swirled around, I felt lightheaded.

"Mari, Mariana are you there?".

I could hear her but couldn't speak, my feet gave out and I fell to the floor the dramatic queen in me taking over as I screamed my lungs out into a nearby pillow on my bed.

"Mariana talk to me is something wrong?, don't leave me hanging young woman".

I still couldn't believe it. I picked up the phone and told her I was fine and we talked and laughed about everything, still wondering why I wasn't informed about this.

"Don't let anyone know I told you this Mariana, I had to drill Drew to get it out of him".

I knew what the drill was, "You bitch".

She laughed.

"Night, Merry Christmas fish head".

"Oh fuck off".  Then the line went dead.

The news still gave me tingles, I would check my mails later, I'm sure Andrew would have sent in something after he was done being drilled.

Mill was always the more out going one, having fun and getting to wake up with different guys, people saw it as whoring but I knew the men couldn't help themselves but just line up at her feet.

"Mariana, Dinner is ready".

"shit".  I cursed mentally.

I should have been down hours ago, I didn't realize time flew while talking over the phone with Millie.

I straightened my dress, combed my hand through my hair and ran out my room to appease my now growling stomach with the delicious meals placed on the table.

I really loved Christmas.

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