Chapter One

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Christmas went by slowly like I wanted it to now I was back at my condo and I was looking at the interior design and how wide and huge the building was, from time to time I wondered why I lived here alone.

Was it because of the silence that comforted me or because of the need for it?.

I couldn't maintain this whole place by myself so I had someone drop in once in a while to clean it up, I never touched the kitchen, mainly because I had no time to cook for myself.

If Rosita found out she would use a stick to beat my bum till it was red from all the spanking it received.

Driving back into town took a huge toll on me, as I took two flights up the stairs heading to bed and getting ready to arrive at snooze land.

The day isn't going to start for me until the next, for once I was glad I didn't mention my return to anyone or else I would be grabbing some stuffs and heading straight to the studio, even in this hot Sunday weather.

People make other people work on a Sunday, I loved my Sundays, now not so much.

I still was yet to check my mails, the merry moments back home made me forget about work and just felt the need to relax.

Hopefully when I wake up I'll glance through them, for now, my holiday continues before the world starts knocking my door just to ruin the peace I had.

The sun bathed my skin with it glow, the sleep I had still refreshing my body.

The peace had lasted for seven hours, it was the best hours of my life before Millie strolled in like she owned the place.

I really needed to change the code, but I knew I would forget as soon as I stopped talking about it.

I sighed.

"Having fun without me are we?"

I rolled my eyes at her use of British accent, typical Mill.

I watched as she threw her things on the floor and then the clattering nose coming from the kitchen made me rise from the lounge chairs to where she stood.

Millie was no cook, in fact she was a real disaster in the kitchen, a total klutz.

"What do you think you're doing?".

"I'm trying to make something, obviously".

"Not In my kitchen Mill, hell no".

I dragged her out of there, it's better if we just relaxed out by the pool and order something, nobody needs to die today especially not by Millie's horrible cooking.

"I love you and all but the kitchen isn't the best place for you".

"Tell that to my mother, hopefully one day she will believe". We both laughed.

The woman that puts Millie on edge, last Christmas holiday I had to run over to Millie's cook dinner for both women and drove to my grandma's. It wasn't easy.

She is like a needle constantly pricking at you for every single thing you do, hard to please, hard to understand, I keep wondering if Millie's adopted. She's totally different from the trio they call a family.

"We could order something?".

I couldn't just ship the idea of cooking, I was lazy most times when I wasn't working. I feel like my life is so unbalanced. 

Working hard when I'm busy and being such a lazy ass when I'm free. The world is a happy place right now for me regardless.


I watched as she went back in the house, silence engulfed me again and I couldn't help but let my mind wonder.

Thoughts swam like fishes in the river, sometimes some mistakes knocked me off but I had learn to shove them deep down.

Images of a beautiful Christmas came forth, I miss the holidays already, I miss Rosita. Oh fuck it I'm going to call that woman.

I head in, planning on ridding myself off this two piece suit. I had enough tan to bring color back to my skin.

"Ordered yet?, I'm starving". I told Mill .

She gave me a funny look, I know that funny look. I mentally face palmed myself.

"You haven't ordered have you?, Gosh Millie".

She mouthed sorry and hurriedly picked up her cell, was she ever hungry or did she just plan on burning my kitchen earlier on. I could cry.

I flipped her the bird whilst heading up the stairs.

"Hello ladies". Andrew strolled in with   his hands in his pants pocket.

They could just move in so I would know that they owned the house as well.

"Andrew". Millie squealed.

I rolled my eyes, those two had chemistry but they liked denying it. I saw right through them though, always.

"I'm changing my lock, next time both of you will ring the door bell". Then I stomped off.

I reminded myself to check my mails up there and speak to Rosita before coming down to ruin their "alone time".

They would so make out while I'm gone, I laughed silently at the evil scheme coming up in my head, Oh they are so in for it.



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