Chapter Two

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I woke up with a hand on my boobs and heavy breath on my neck, I was five minutes ahead of my alarm clock, every single time.

I could get rid of it but I knew someone who it could be of use to.

The owner of the hand on my boobs, the black haired sleep hugger, my one and only best friend Millie Semaj.

I pushed her hands off of me and rolled out quickly before she grabbed me and locked me in place. I guess men found the hugging shit sexy, it wasn't the same for me especially coming from Millie.

Maybe I should ask her to move in since half of my walk in closet had her clothes in there, but that only meant lesser me time, more her and Andrew time.

Dear Andrew is my neighbor, my five houses away neighbor who is probably up by now, getting reading for a jog. The 5 A.M magic he called it.

I never went for a jog, or to a gym, I was happy with my fast metabolism but I did do some home exercises. We do not want to ruin my money maker.

I picked up my laptop, logging in my password and waiting for the lights to blind me like a bitch.

I opened up my mail box and I had lots of messages from my manager, having realized I didn't check my mail yesterday.

'can I be anymore forgetful?', in my defense it was a free day.

A work free day, I don't think my mind wanted to spoil such a rare but beautiful moment.

Being too lazy to read any I shut my system off and padded to the bathroom just then the alarm rang, I ignored it, leaving Millie to suffer its loud ring.

Beauty sleep destroyed in three, two.

"The hell with your alarm Mariana".

One, I smiled.

She would go back to bed anyway after turning it off then I'll sprinkle water on her face which revolved into her chasing me around the bed and cursing when she grabbed nothing but air.

"Oh Millie, Millie, Millie, piger hominem".
(lazy person).

I rarely spoke Latin even though I loved it so much, like Rosita will always say "cum id loquimur senseris"

It means "speak it when you feel it".

She wasn't wrong, God bless her for me.

"Fuck you Bitch".

It came out muffled but I heard it anyway, Millie could sleep all day if time permitted it but I on the other hand would struggle with sleep so I wouldn't, I wasn't a huge fan of it.

Letting Millie sleep made me feel like I was sleeping for long hours too.

"Now I can't sleep, Mariana". She yelled.

OH oh, I ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me, I wasn't really in the mood for a chase, I should be safe back here.

I picked up my brush, applied paste and brushed my teeth, turning the shower head on as I prepared to peel my clothes off.


There's nothing as annoying as reading your manager's mail from your laptop as she shouted at you for not answering any.

If it were possible to take time back, I'll go back to relaxing my ass off and forgetting about fame.

Three camera guys were already outside my house early, taking my pictures as I left.

Paparazzi and their itch for news, always after something new or out to ruin a person's career.

We have feelings you know, I'm not just sure they are aware of that. They make you have calculated steps, good posture, nice make up on but I never cared.

I would slouch if I wanted to but never tried it, I practically grew in fame, courtesy of my late parents and Rosita.

Etiquette was always essential, still is and forever will be.

"Next time check your mails, I know you love your holidays, I do too".

That's a big lie, I know Susan could work all year and never rest, she amazes me, getting off work late but still coming in the next day like she had the best 12 hours of sleep.

I still don't know how she does it, if she's pretending then I commend her for her wonderful act.

"Are you even listening to me Mariana?".

"Of course Susan".

She gave me suspicious eyes, I played it cool.

"Good, your interview with JQ starts in less than 10 minutes, then you have that new perfume brand shoot after that, then on to your sister's book signing".


She turned heading out.

"Susan wait, nobody told me about an interview".

"If you had just checked your mail". And then she walked out.

"Inodiare" I screamed.

"I heard that Mariana".

'Of course you would I yelled it', I wanted to say but I kept shut.

10 minutes shouldn't be wasted on raining curses on Susan, she wasn't the one at fault here.

Well she should have called.

I smacked my forehead.


My work phone is switched off and at home, I think I'm growing old faster than I should in my twenties, this day is going to be a long one, I could feel it deep in my bones.

I squared my shoulder and got to work, there wasn't time to be slacking especially since Isabella's book signing is today.

I love my sister with all my heart, with our parents gone, I looked up to her as a mother figure in my life, well Rosita was there of course but it just wasn't the same on some levels.

I would just have to make do with the outfit I'm putting on for JQ, my gown was short but free from the knees to the waist, a white chic dress that has a plunging neck line but backless.

At least the dress won't be a waste of the days wear unlike the rest.

Susan's head appeared by the door.


I sighed "Than I'll ever be".

We walked out together as she briefed me in about some questions and how to answer them.

It wasn't my first interview, so I wasn't going to fumble or anything but Susan just can't help reminding me of what to do, say or laugh off a question.

"I got it covered Susan", we stopped on reaching the set, I sent her a quick smile and headed over to the handsome lad in Grey suit.

The ever sweet and charming Rick Anderson.

Giving him kisses on both cheeks and smiling like my lips would rip in half, the interview started as the camera began rolling.

If I got the spelling wrong on any Latin word please make sure to correct me.

Inodiare means annoying.

Stupidus means stupid.

I'm making use of Google to translate.

Another chapter, another peak into Mariana's life.

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