Part 6

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Hey guys, soo i just got my laptop so ill be uploading moree. Yayyy :)

Thanks for all the reads, but please vote vote vote, comment comment comment. I'm not feeling very confident with this story. So let me know what you think. Thankssss <3



"Mark's POV"

I heard at manly groan, and paused in kissing Stacey, because that groan hadn't coming from me. I looked around the table, and my eyes landed on Sam and that fucker. He had his tongue down her throat and was clutching the back of her head. She smiled against his lips and pulled away. Why didn't she ever smile at me like that? Why does he get her, and i don't. I have strong feelings for her, he's probably just using her like he does with all his other girls. Well yeah, I'm like that too, but with her it would be different. I know it. I would give up my old ways, just to have her as my own. I don't want to share her with anyone else, and I don't want that fag touching her.

I glared at the back of both their heads, when they both broke away from each other breathing heavy. She turned her head and looked at me, but i wasn't looking at her, I was too busy glaring at the ass, Daniel. He had a smirk on his face, and i knew immediately that he knew what my feelings for Samantha were. And he was using it to get back at me. He was trying to make me jealous.... and he was succeeding. I just glared at him more, I mean what could i do. She most likely just saw me making out with Stacey, so there was no way she would believe me now, if i told her i cared for her. She would just probably laugh in my face.

I don't know how i got myself into this situation. I never cared who she went out with, or what she did with them. But now, i feel like i want to rip the heads off any guys that look at her. If i were to do that, there wouldn't be a male population at the school anymore, because all the guys were always looking at her as soon as she walked into the room. Her green eyes always had laughter lurking and her full lips always had a smile.


That was all i could do for now, but i will upload more tonight, This is only half of it. Sorry but i was rushing....

Comment vote fan.

I need some confidence so please give it to me.

Thanks thanks thanks :)))

He's my older brothers best friend... And I love him !! Not good !!Where stories live. Discover now