Part 5

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Okay, i know i didn't get the amount of votes and comments i needed and that was disappointing to see, cuz i have soo many reads, but not nearly as much comments or votes :((( butttt, i wanted to write this before i forgot it.

But please please please vote, it's just a click of the button. Thank you, and comments are very much appreciated. :))

also you guys need to let me know i you want longer or shorter parts. :]


PART 5 (Mark's POV)

God, I can't believe she was kissing him like that. I thought she broke up with that cheater? I may be a player, but I would never cheat on my girl. How does she just take him back like that. Ugh, just the thought of that pisses me off. He's an ass and doesn't know how to treat a girl.

The first half of school passed by at a snails pace, but eventually the bell rang signalling it was time for lunch. I walked in with the rest of the jocks and cheerleaders and we sat at our table. I sat between Slut #1 and Slut #2 aka Stacey and Jessica. I looked around and noticed that Sam and Dan still hadn't walked in with the rest of us, which just made me curious as to where they were. Probably having a make out session in an empty classroom. Just the thought of him touching her pissed me off. I need to control myself, she was his first and i just started having these feelings for her. I don't know why their soo strong and in such a short time...

I wasn't regretting that kiss this morning. I mean it rocked my world. But it seems that i was nothing to Sam. Seeing as how she's back with her boyfriend and having such intense make out sessions. I had to get my mind off that kiss. She forgot about me, well then i could forget about her too. I turned to my right looking at Slut #1, ooppss i mean Stacey !! She was a big flirt and would do anything with a dick. I gently swept her hair back off her forehead, and leaned in, pressing my lips to her neck.

"Hmmm, Mark that feels great", she purred in my ear. I turned her head and pressed my lips to hers. As we were kissing i thought about all the other guys that she's probably made out with. And truthfully, I was a bit disgusted. But whatever, I couldn't stop now.


(Sam's POV)

Me and Dan walked into lunch a bit late, we had made a detour to his car, and had a little talk about what happened at the party, them made up, and had a little make out session. ;)

But there were a few times that Mark popped up in my head, but i just kept shoving it away. I couldn't think about him now, I had a boyfriend and I planned to keep it that way. No little problems to get in our way.

We walked into the cafeteria hand in hand. I looked towards our table and saw Mark and Stacey making out. I shrugged it off, but i knew deep inside that i was a little hurt, I mean he did kiss me this morning. But whatever I don't care anymore. I dragged Dan to our table and i sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was content with him, but i don't feel that spark that i thought that i felt with him before. But i know i felt it with Mark. Why did it have to be with him of all people, I mean come on now, we hate each other.

I turned my head away from the player and his slut and focused on my man. I trailed my lips up his neck until i reached his ear. I nibbled on the lobe gently, and felt him shudder. I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his forehead, then his cheeks, his nose, and finally his soft lips. We pecked a few times, and while he kept trying to deepen the kiss, I kept pulling away. He seemed to finally get frustrated and grabbed the back of my neck, pushing my lips against his. I smiled slightly and got into the kiss. We were at it, till I was breathing heavily, near panting...

I pulled away, not wanting to get him going when i knew there was nothing i could do about it.

I smiled at him, knowing what he wanted.. :) Im evil. I turned my head looking around the cafeteria. and saw Mark glaring at us, well more like Dan.....


Next part will be in Marks POV, maybe some Dan !

Please please comment and vote and fan. It makes me feel much better about my story. Thanks guys :)))

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