Oh my gosh! Sydney what are you doing? You have other books you have to finish! Why are writing another book now!!!!!!
Um hello. Nice for you to ask this question. I am glad to answer it for you.
Okay, yes I know I have other books to finish. I am like this and by know you should know that. Where I get ideas and I start typing away and then decide to post them than never finish them for months or years. But I swear. I WILL FINISH THIS ONE THIS TIME!
I know you don't believe me but please do. I actually started this book like 2 hours ago and already have a prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 2 done and about to post those. So ya. Later.
WerewolfOne look was all it took to push me over the edge. One glance, one pair of golden blue eyes holding my gaze. My breath caught in my throat. My skin ached, burned for the touch from the man not ten feet away from me. Like he read my mind, he moved. I...