a quick run

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It's been about a week since Jaden moved here.
We've gotten to know him so much more. He's so close to us now that it feels like we've known him forever.
Hey, Dickheads. Matt sat down at the table holding a tray.
Hey, Fatty.
So what are we talking about? Matt asked.
Well, nothing really. I replied.
Mhm. Anyways, I can't hang today. We're having this stupid family thing at my house.
Matt rolled his eyes.
Ugh that sucks, Man. But it's cool. I'll just be crying in my room the rest of the day.
I know. I'm sorry, Ian.
It's Ight.

I put my headphones in once I started to walk home. I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings. I just walked straight home.

Hey. Hey! Jaden! Matt whisper-shouted.
What?? Jaden caught his attention.
Come with me.
They got to Matt's house and went into his room.
Wait, didn't you say you had some family thing here?
I was just saying that so Ian wouldn't know you came with me.

Matt sat on his bed and let out a deep breath.
Okay, Jaden. Be honest. Do you like Ian?
Well- Uh- I- Jaden stuttered.
Dude, it's okay. I just need to know, like, now.
Y-Yes. I do. A lot. Jaden let out his words in nervousness.
I knew it! You two would be such a cute couple.
Jaden tried to hide the pink tint on his cheeks.
I have an idea. Matt quickly stood up from his bed.
And that is?
I'm gonna help you with Ian.
N-No. Please. I'm not ready. What if he doesn't like me?
Dude, trust me! He does. He really does. Matt rested his hand on Jaden's shoulder for comfort.
Okay, then. I guess we're doing this.

I was laying In my bed. Thinking about Jaden. About how happy he could make me.
My thoughts were interrupted by my mom shouting.
"Clifford Ian Simpson! Come here! Now!"
What? I groaned.
Don't, what me, Boy! So who is this guy you've been talking to, huh?
What guy?
Oh, you think I'm stupid? Matt's mother tells me everything. About how you and him go over there just to see each other. You're going to hell!
I felt a rush of sadness go through my body.
I shed a few tears right then and there.
Don't cry! Be a man you pussy!
You know what, Mom? Fuck you! I'm so tired of you pushing me around all the time.
And yeah. I'm gay. There, I said it! Now are you gonna go around telling the whole family that I'm a faggot? Go ahead. I don't give a fuck.
I stormed out the house. So much tears were falling, I couldn't even see clearly. I didn't wanna bug Matt or Jaden so I just went to a skatepark that me and Matt go to when we need to vent.
There wasn't a singal person there.
I just cried and cried for who knows how long.

You look amazing! Matt said as he turned Jaden towards the mirror.
Wow this is- Do you think Ian will like it? Jaden turned back to Matt.
Okay so we need to make a quick run to the store for a few things. I don't have a car so we literally need to make a quick run.
It was silent for about 20 seconds.
Oh, now? Jaden asked.
Uh, Yeah. Common!
They tried to get there as fast as they could.
Both boys which were out of breath finally made it to the store.
Okay. Get him some roses. On me. Matt was still out of breath from the "quick run" they had just made.

They purchased the stuff and ran to Ian's house.
Are you ready?
I think so. Jaden gulped.
He slowly put his fist up to the door. He finally knocked.
Someone who definitely wasn't Ian answered the door.
I-Is Ian here?
Um no. In fact, he just ran off.
Do you know why?
Well he started yelling at me at how he was tired of how I treated him and how he was a fag. Can't help you, kid.
The lady slammed the door shut.
What the hell?
Yeah. His Mom isn't the nicest person. But we need to find Ian. Now!
Do you know where he could be? Jaden raised his left eyebrow.
I know exactly where he is. Hurry!
Both boys ran once again. Jaden had no idea where they were going but he just followed Matt.
A skatepark? Jaden squat down a bit, trying to catch his breath.
Yeah. This is where we come to vent. Do you see him?

I saw two pairs of shoes walk right in front of me.
Ian, what's wrong? Matt sat down and rapped an arm around me.
J-Just my mom again. I sniffled.
Jaden sat on my other side, rubbing my back.
It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Matt repeated as he held me in his arms.
Thank you two so much. If y'all hadn't have come, I'd still be crying right now. And why are you dressed so nice and why do you have roses? I questioned Jaden.
Uh- I-
Matt nodded at Jaden to go for it.
Ian...I like you...A lot. And Matt only made that excuse up so he could help me ask you out.
We may have met a week ago but I can already tell that you're gonna be the love of my life. Wow oh my god I can't believe I just said that.
Jaden...This is so fucking sweet wow oh my god I'm actually starting to cry again. I laughed and wiped a tear.
So shall we go on our date? Whatever or Wherever that's gonna be. Jaden looked down and laughed.
Yeah. I smiled and happily held his hand without being scared for the first time.
Matt smiled at us and walked in the opposite direction.

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