Short Story: Mac Daw Nawldz (PG-Rating)

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Once upon a time, there a fry. This fry could swim and fly. He swam to Antartica and froze to death. A sea lion found him and ate him. This sea lion swam to somewhere where he died somehow and the fish ate his corspe. This school of fish went to the sea master and said "WE TASTE MAC DAW NAWLDS". The sea master was shocked, he said "HOW DID YOU FIND DIS MAC DAW NAWLDS?" An octopus swam by saying "Stahp yelling plez" and they all said "NO FAWK YOO, SKWED WERT"

The school of fish was told to swim to the Food meister's palace. They swam and swam and swam and swam... and swam... And swam...... Then the Food meister's palace appeared. They went to the gates and the guardy guards said "WOO YOO?" they said "WE CAEM 2 C DA FUUD MAISTRR"

They died that day for yelling.

But the guardy guards took their bodies to the meister. He ate it for dinner and swam to his ex wife. He said, "GES WUT, HOE?" she looked him in the soul and he fainted. She bit his nose and sucked the fry's flavor out of him. She swallowed and sat there for three days. When she pooped, there was a fry in the toilet. She looked at her poop and said "WAT DE FAWK IS DIS SHET?"

The fry looked at her then swam away. He found his way to a MAC DAW NAWLDS only to find that it wasn't that. Instead, it was a McDonald's. So he let a bird eat him.

The End

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