Smoke & Mirrors - C6

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We arrived at his house, it was very big and modern. We went inside and the first thing i noticed in the living room was two poles down the center of the room, and a large brown sofa all round the wall. I gave out a little giggle and Maddy laughed at my expression. CC snook up behind me, smirked and said will you be on that later, i told him no and he said dont worry im just joking. 

Ashley : so You are now all in the Purdy palace, all of you sit down so we can sort out the rooms.

CC: Scarlett you can sit on my knee come here.

Ashley: There is 5 bedrooms and 7 of us so two of you will have to pair up. *Ashley stares at me and CC* boys and girls cannot sleep in the same room together.

CC: What?! You always have a girl round. 

Ashley: Yes but its my house and when im trying to sleep i dont want to hear loads of noises. 

Andy: HAHA

Ashley: so i get my own room, CC you can get your own room, Andy you can get your own room and Jinxx and Jake you can share as you both are quiet and Maddy and Scarlett

can share. 

Maddy: YES! Highfive. *we highfived*

Ashley: right go unpack.

We all ran upstairs to go into our rooms, wow its just like having a sister, that i get along with, like having a really long sleepover, this is going to be great :) After we all unpacked and got ready, and went back downstairs, Andy said "so whats on the menu tonight in Purdy palace chef Ashley" "well i was thinking we could all go out for a fancy meal" We all cheered and he told us all to get ready so we did. We arrived to this really fancy french resurant and sat down we all got quite a few looks, well we was the only ones their wearing all black, we all had black hair (apart from Maddy), we all had black nails including the lads and all had thick black eyeliner on including the lads which i guess most people wasnt used to seeing, we didnt care.

I went to the toilet, well you know what for, and when i came out the cubical all the bathroom mirrors were smashed, all taps were on and there was lipstick on the wall i couldnt read what it said it was in a different language, i panicked and tried to run out but the door was locked, i started crying eyeliner smudged all down my face, i couldnt get out i heard a knock on each one of the cubical doors and i was gasping for breath, i was having a panick attack i was so scared, i heard banging on the other side of the door saying let me in i could tell it was Maddys voice so i shouted help and there was a huge kick at the door but it wouldnt open i couldnt stop crying the tears kept on coming, i didnt know what to do so Maddy shouted on the count of three pull the door as hard as you can and CC will kick it as hard as he can so i did and she said, the door opened and i dived into CCs arms still crying and Maddy hugged me, they had a look inside the bathroom, all the cubical doors were off the hinges, everything was smashed and broken, hand dryer on the floor. All three of us ran back to the others, i looked a mess, the  others looked at me in shock and instantly asked alot of questions, CC firmly stated that we will answer questions later but we needed to leave now, so we did. Andy quickly ran back to the girls bathroom and took a few pictures of the mirrors, taps, writing and toilet doors, then met us in the car.

When we got back to Ashleys i went for a shower. Showers always calm me down, also it will wash off all my smudged makeup. Whilst i was in the shower Jake said he would search online to try and find out what language it was and what it said. He figured out easy enough that it was swedish, the words that were on the wall said "Jag kommer att döda dig" he typed it into google and it translated it to English, it ment i will kill you. When i got out shower i changed into my pyjamas and went downstairs Jake asked me to sit down and he told me what it ment, i cried, i couldnt help it i was so scared, CC hugged me and whispered in my ear "remember what i said i wont let anyone hurt you, dont worry i will make sure nothing else like that happens to you again, i will stay by your side i promise" it made me feel abit more safe but i didnt understand why me. i seen CC say something to Maddy and she nodded in agreement then asked me to go upstairs she locked her bedroom door and told me to sit on the bed, then she said in a quiet but strict voice that tonight me and her are sleeping in CCs room but Ashley or the others can't find out so when they are all in bed we are all going to quietly try to get the bed into CCs bedroom for Maddy to sleep on and i will sleep with CC or her, its my choice, so i agreed.

It all worked out we managed to all get into CCs room without making to much noise and i slept in CCs bed, we watched a film before sleeping, it was Harry Potter, i had never seen it before as my parents didnt really buy me anything i had to pay for everything myself and my main priorite was clothes, and posters and CDs. It was a good movie i would watch it again, but we all fell asleep.

I woke up at 4 in the morning screaming, waking Maddy and CC up they both grabbed me and asked what was up, i told them about the dream i had where i got caught by the ghost spirit thing in the shower and he kept whispering i will kill you in swedish over and over again and getting closer to me then it smashed the mirror grabbed the glass and slit my throat with it. Maddy and CC both looked shook up, they was pale and looked like they had just seen a ghost, but continued to comfort me. We all fell asleep in CCs bed me in the middle, they both stayed awake hugging me till i was asleep before they fell asleep, in the morning i got up and i couldnt remember the dream at all, i could remember getting up screaming about it though. Maddy told the others about what happened and they were all worried aswell and we all decided it would be best to spend the hole night together again, so we did. at about half 2 in the morning Andy got up i asked him what he was doing but he didnt answer so i assumed he was sleepwalking, so i followed him to make sure he would hurt hisself, he walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and started talking, i couldnt make out what he was saying, he was mumbling, but then he screamed and smashed the mirror. Then he collapsed, Jinxx instantly came running upstairs to us i held Andy in my arms crying, i didnt know what to do, i was scared, Jinxx ran in to see us and rung the ambulance, The Ambulance arrived about 15 minutes later, Jinxx got in the ambulance will the still unconcious Andy and we all got into Jakes car and followed them to the hospital. 

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