Glory x Deathbringer (Glorybringer)

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Glory: She didn't want to go.  Even the thought of going to the jade mountain academy was enough to make her cringe.  There was three reasons glory hated crowds ar just any large assembly; one she hated the fact that others could all she how she was feeling more specifically rainwings but that was besides the point.  Two she didn't like the fact that she really had no sense of direction in a crowed area.  Three there was no whispering because no matter what you say every dragon around you hears what you say weather if the wanted to or not, but eas dropping was fairly common when the dragon talking to you used your name witch unfortunately for glory almost everybody knows it.  Regardless of this fact tsunami and sunny had somehow convinced glory to meet them there for lunch and a bit of catching up.  Glory had convinced herself that it would be fine as it was just lunch except one thing, deathbringer.  Glory had no idea what to think of him he was just all over the scroll on almost everything.  Just as an example glory had asked him to draw a rough picture of what he though should be a holding facility ( it is a prison but you know RAINwings! So it was officialy a holding center) but when deathbriger drew it he drew it well but then after started to criticize his own work and started talking to  himself about all the possible escape routes.  As she was about to leave for jade mountain deathbringer parked himself right next to glory and refused to stay because he insisted that glory was never going to be safe around dragons who could want her dead.  Glory eventually gave in and let deathbringer tag along.  

Deathbringer: "horay!" Shouted deathbringer ask he took off the platform after glory his victory however would be short lived.  Due to the fact that as soon as he reached glory in the air the first thing she said was "you're standing guard from a distance." There was no question in her voice and death ringer did not feel like arguing.  A while later as both himself and glory reached the mountain sunny and tsunami came out to great them ask start conversation, as they were talking deathbringer was analyzing all of the possible escape paths, if they where nessiary of course.  But the four finally reach the staff lounge and invited glory to sit and chat as to catch up on what was going on in the rainforest and how their lives were etc.  death ringer was only interested in one thing and that was protecting his queen at all costs.  He had learned his lesson a long time ago on his first mission when his mother was struck by lightning and was later killed by guards on the beach however that was never going to happen again for death ringer had made a promise to himself that If he ever found another he'd cared about that nothing would ever happen to them as long as he lived.  He had found that someone, and that was glory.

Glory: glory loved her friends they could make a joke out of a lot of things and they seemed to always look towards the best possible outcomes, but they also liked to tease and pick on one another's and when the subject of the talons of peace popped up along with riptide the conversation turned against glory's favor because sunny thought it funny to ask if glory and deathbringer had started anything between them, she didn't know what to say becausehe was a lot of things he had a style that suited him and him only.  So naturally glory replied no but something in the back of her mind wanted to spill out the fact that she wanted something to happen with them both.  Moving on past the question the nagging feeling that she had surpressed somehow showed through because tsunami somehow pick up hints that glory secretly liked deathbringer as more than a friend, and glory now had to confirm this hunch tsunami had so eventually she desided to go for him. Glory found herself asking two questions to herself; one "how would she tell him?" And "how would he react?" Glory somhow found herself thinking up a plan to sweep her so-called body guard off his feet.

Deathbringer: He all of a sudden saw  the friends at the table giggling uncontrollably and glory blushing as if she were a lobster and naturally wondered what was going on.  When all of a sudden the queen got up and approached him, as to not look lazy him fixed his posture as scand the exits one last time before she arrived in front of him deathbringer spoke first asking "is there anything rong, my lovely queen?" Glory simply asked if deathbringer had found love in his life yet? Deathbringer answered " well what do you mean by that?" Glory added " like any dragon that means anything more to you than others." Deathbringer, now proceeded to answer rather convincingly " why yes then I have!" Glory then stated " well I have to, and" she studered a little " it's you!" Deathbringer shocked by this pulled his queen into a very pationite kiss as tsunami and sunny were to busy being fan- girls at their table.  As they pulled apart death brings simply said " I love you glory" getting a response off " I love you too deathbringer.

Thx guy y'all are amazing sorry again if it's bad hop you enjoyed!!!

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