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The sun began to set. For most people, this meant a beautiful sunset followed by slowly growing darkness until the stars and moons took to the sky.

Not so for Reverse.

Reverse stood on the very edge of a tall building. He longed to see the beautiful colors and the darkness. For him, sunset marked the end of a day of greyscale buildings and black plants, and the beginning of pure unending whiteness.

He saw no color. The greys of daylight grew brighter and brighter, the sky turned a blinding silver. Shadows vanished and everything took on the look of polished quartz. It was difficult for him to discern depth at this point.

He stood unmoving on the roof. A few people glanced up at him with concern. Why had he come here? He couldn't remember. Everything was jumbled and confusing inside his mind.

He couldn't tell which direction was the edge of the roof and which was the saga side. His breath caught in his throat, his body tensing. What was he doing?

He didn't know.

Someone shouted up to him, but he didn't hear. A police siren wailed in the distance.

Reverse listened silently, swaying dangerously in the wind. He closed his eyes. He thought he could almost see colors, though he had no idea what they looked like.

He tipped, not realizing he was falling for several moments. Someone screamed, whether the sound came from him or someone below nobody could say.

He hit ground with a painful crunch. His chest jerked up in a breath. His eyes flew wide, desperately clinging to life, such as it was.

The monotonous whiteness greeted him. Blank and cold.

As his eyes drifted closed again, Reverse saw the sky. Deep blue streaked with orange and red. A single star floated in the sky.

Reverse let go of his breath and his eyes closed.

The star, winked out.

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