You do not know me and I do not know you. I write this from the darkness of the brig. I heard fighting just this morning and not a soul has been heard since then.
I'm afraid I shall die here, locked in darkness and smelling of shit. Just my luck.
I suppose, since I have nothing better to do while awaiting death, I should introduce myself. I am the devil.
Alright. I'm not the devil. My name is Arc. I know it is not the most noble name, or even the most...ah...complex. I have no last name to speak of and I can't ask anyone. I'm simply Arc.
One of my closest friends was named Slate, so I suppose mine isn't so bad.
I took a break just now from writing. I don't know for how long.
I wish there were a lass down here with me. That would entertain me at least. Take my mind off of my looming demise.
Oh look. I found a seashell. I'd draw it, but my sketching skills are tragic.
Ah what the hell. I have nothing better to do.
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There I do hope you're pleased. That took me far too long.
How long had I wished for this kind of silence before getting tossed down here? Odd that I'd actually wished for this sometimes.
Remember children, be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it.
Well, I'm going to start eating random shit now. Maybe it'll kill me faster. Who knows.
It was nice talking to you. Writing this kept me amused for some time. Congratulations.