Chapter 3

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An: So I'm going to start putting some songs that I love for you guys to listen to. Also, while suggesting these songs I'm going to tell you a bit why I like them and what they mean to me. So this song is one of my all time favorite songs. I just feel a connection to this song and it's just beautiful. Definitely listen to it.

Song: Crossfire by Stephen.

Lucas's POV

College was just a week away and I've gotten comfortable in my new apartment. I haven't left it much though. Just to look for jobs, which I found a job.

I got a job at the gas station two blocks away from me. I start tomorrow and my hours are 5 to 10. The pay is just enough for me to live. I plan on saving up my money because I also plan on getting a pet.

Since I don't have a roommate and it's kind of lonely here, I plan on getting a dog. The apartment allows small dogs, so I did my research and I'm thinking on getting a Mini Australian Shepard.

I plan on getting him tomorrow. I already have a name in mind for him. I am so excited to get a pet to hang with and to have some company.

I got off the couch and went to look for an outfit for tomorrow and get some money for everything the dog needs. I checked the time and it was around 10. I decided to lay on my bed until 11 before going to bed.

~Time Skip~

I woke up and it was around 10. I yawned and got up to take a shower and get ready for the day. After my morning routine I ate some breakfast before getting my clothes on.

I yawned again as I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes before walking out. I made my way outside and down the street to the local pet store about a block away.

I walked in and was greeted with a boyish looking girl that looked about my age. She was wearing a snapback, with a red flannel shirt. She had a matching pair of white ripped jeans.

I walked over to her, "Hey, I was wondering if you guys had any Mini Australian Shepard."

She nodded, "A dog person I see. I have a husky." She chuckled and led me over to them.

"Here the are, just let me know when you pick one so I can help you with the rest", she told me before walking away.

I looked at all them before one caught my eye. He was hiding behind his dog bed while looking at me. I smiled at him and reached out to pet him but he backed up to the glass.

I sighed and carefully picked him up and held him to my chest. I heard him whine as he moved around in my arms. I let him softly and he calmed down quite a bit. I smiled and walked over to the girl.

"I'd like this one. Could you help me get the stuff,...", I trailed off, pointing out that I needed to know her name.

"Oh, my name is Amber, and I'll help you get your stuff,...", she signaled that she needed my name.

"Lucas", I told her and she nodded before getting up to help me. I followed her as she got a cart for the small bag of dog food, chew toys, treats, a small dog bed, a collar, and grooming supplies.

I felt bad for making her do all the work but she assured me that it was fine. She also didn't want to move the puppy in my arms because apparently this puppy doesn't like being touched. He'd always run away or whine.

Once we got everything I went to pay for it. I thought of a way to get this back to my apartment.

"Do you have a car that you can put this in", she asked me as she finished putting in bags.

I shook my head, "I just moved here from China for college and I haven't had time to get a car."

She seemed to think for a moment, "I could give you a ride back. My shift is over, also you don't live that far away, do you?"

I shook my head, "No, I live just a block away." She clapped her hands before picking up the bags and making me follow her to her car.

She told me to get in as she finished putting the stuff in the back. She got in the drivers seat and started the car before having me tell her where to go.

"So which college are you going to", she asked me while getting out of the car.

"The art and sport college", I responded.

"Aye, I'm going there too. It'll be my 2nd year. It's quite fun there, there are also a lot of fun people. You'll fit right in", she told me as we walked to my apartment.

"I'm excited to go, I like meeting new people and making friends." I opened my apartment and told her to set the stuff on the couch.

I thanked her for her help and if there was anything I could do in return. "Our dogs could have a play date. Also don't take this as a way of me hitting on you, I'm a lesbian and I have a girlfriend. I just want to get to know you, if that's ok."

"I think that'd be fun, also don't worry I'm gay", I told her and she chuckled.

"Gay pals, huh?" I laughed at what she said and nodded my head.

She smiled and we gave each other our numbers before she left. I carefully set the dog on the couch as I set up the dog stuff. I put the dog food under the sink and put the food and water bowl by the table.

I brought his dog bed to my room and set it beside my bed and put his toys next to it. I heard barking coming from the living room.

I ran to the living room to see the puppy running back and forth on my couch. I went and sat on the couch and the puppy immediately curled up in my lap.

I smiled and pet him as I got the collar out. I had the name tag and all that already in the collar. I put it on him gently not to scare him.

"Let's go to bed, Jungwoo", I carefully stood up with him and went to my bed with him. I set him on the bed as I changed into some shorts. I laid down in bed and Jungwoo curled up beside me.

I felt complete with having a Jungwoo around. A dog was just what needed right now. I fell asleep with a smile on my face that night.


An: So Jungwoo is now here and Lucas and Amber met. How do you think he'll react when she brings her dog over for a play date and he finds out that her dog is a hybrid?

I also plan on having Jungwoo change into a person when they have the play date. So may be next chapter or the chapter after.

I realize I said that last chapter and then the thing happened in the next chapter, so I'm guessing it'll be next chapter.

So I make an appearance next chapter and I'm excited. 😂

Love you Wolfies!💕

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